As AI’s presence in our daily applications increases, the technology keeps getting smarter. Consider chatbots, for example. When they were first introduced, they responded based on how they were programmed for predefined inputs. 

Chatbots in 2024, however, use AI to understand and respond to any message that comes in, just like humans. Chatbots are perfectly capable of simulating human conversations with the help of conversational AI

Tech geeks can quickly tell the difference between chatbots and conversational AI. However, many people see them as similar and often use them interchangeably. 

Conversational AI and Chatbots: What Are They?

Simply put, chatbots are the most popular application of conversational AI. Let’s dive deeper to explore more about why they’re different. 

Conversational AI

Conversational AI is an umbrella term for technologies that help computers converse like humans. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) assist conversational AI in helping computers understand and respond to customer queries while learning from every interaction. 


Conversational AI is still in its initial stage; in the future, it might have a human-like consciousness that would solve a broad range of problems. However, at present, it’s highly beneficial in:

  • Increasing work productivity: Many contact centers use conversational AI software to make their agents more productive. The technology answers FAQs, cross-sells products, or gives simple advice while agents focus on the critical issues on their plates, delivering faster resolution. 
  • Improving accessibility: Conversational AI applications use text-to-speech technology to dictate or translate the output into the required language easily, reducing entry barriers for users who work with assistive technology. 
  • Automating workflows: Customer-facing teams can use conversational AI’s workflow automation while onboarding or between sales and service handoffs. Some businesses also leverage conversational AI as voice assistants in their interactive voice response systems, where they route calls based on customer responses and agents’ availability and skill set. 

Conversational AI simplifies the way people interact with devices and interfaces. On the business front, it helps companies reduce the time and effort of using contact centers to address repetitive queries. It makes them more efficient and productive in handling larger customer or prospect interaction volumes with limited resources. 


Chatbots are computer programs that simulate conversations with humans through messages or voice commands. There are two types of chatbots: rule-based and AI-powered

Rule-based chatbots, also known as decision-tree bots, leverage a series of defined rules to interact with users. They solve common problems, and their rules are aligned with delivering the best solutions to those problems. These bots map conversational patterns like a flow chart. They’re designed by predicting the conversational flow the bot would have and how it would respond to it. These bots work within the scenarios you train them for. 

AI-powered chatbots, on the other hand, understand a query’s context using NLP and respond accordingly. These AI agents have natural language understanding and natural language generation functionality that help them create responses. The agents leverage ML to improve with every interaction, helping them deliver more thoughtful answers as they mature. 

Below are some ways chatbots help businesses:

  • Support customers: Contact or call center teams have more time to address critical issues when text-based conversational AI chatbots address customers’ simple, repetitive queries. It reduces wait times while improving the overall customer experience. 
  • Generate leads: Users can leverage chatbots for lead generation. A chatbot becomes a text-based virtual agent that helps prospects on your website get answers to their queries. The chatbot can help a prospect set up a demo or navigate to specific content that can best address their queries. 
  • Perform simple tasks: Chatbots help customers in e-commerce know their order status, schedule appointments in the healthcare sector, or deliver credit card bills in the finance industry. When they go beyond simple tasks and perform activities like reminding you about a coming deadline, chatbots transform themselves into intelligent virtual assistants
chatbot vs intelligent virtual agent

You might see a thin line between conversational AI platforms and chatbots. Think of chatbots as one type of conversational interface where bots receive and respond to user questions using AI, simulating human interactions. However, this is also true in the case of AI chatbots. Rule-based chatbots are completely different from conversational AI. 

Key Differences Between Conversational AI and Chatbots

Take a look at these differing aspects of both technologies:


Conversational AI technology is much more complex compared to traditional chatbots. The former uses ML to simulate conversations similar to interactions in human language.

On the other hand, rule-based bots rely on preprogrammed responses to respond to customers. 



Conversational AI apps can easily detect the user intent behind a query and adapt their responses accordingly. As AI systems deliver and improve their understanding of user inputs with time, they deliver a better user experience. 

In contrast, rule-based chatbots might struggle with complicated questions or deviations from scripted interactions. In such cases, chatbots hand over the conversation to a human agent who can better assist the customer. 

However, when these handovers don’t happen seamlessly, it creates a poor customer experience


Conversational AI learns from previous user interactions and improves over time using its ML capabilities. This helps the chatbot adapt to users’ messages as it has more interactions. 

However, if you’re working with a traditional chatbot, you’ll have to make manual updates to help the bot improve its responses. 

Strengths and Weaknesses of Conversational AI Solutions and Chatbots

Below are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the two technologies that should help you choose the best solution for your needs: 

Strengths of conversational AI

Conversational AI solutions simulate natural and engaging human-like conversations. When you integrate conversational AI solutions with your CRM or customer data platforms, they create highly personalized responses based on previous conversations. 

Nextiva chatbot

The technology is capable of handling complex questions and requests. However, when complexity goes beyond the scope of conversational AI, it allows the user to talk to a human agent. These applications make the transition seamless so customers don’t experience recognizable interruptions in conversations. 

Moreover, conversational AI agents improve with time through ML, helping them better navigate customers’ complex requests. 

Weaknesses of conversational AI

Conversational AI requires a significant upfront investment to develop and train. Some third-party applications can shorten this period, but it depends on budget constraints. 

However, these investments have more returns when you consider how the conversational AI agent can automate complex inquiries and more complicated workflows for you. The return on investment will manifest in the increased efficiency and productivity of your customer-facing teams. 

Conversely, conversational AI might not be suitable for all types of interactions. For example, if you have set conversational flows that you want to automate, a rule-based chatbot will better suit your use cases and help you maintain control over budgets. 

Strengths of chatbots

In some use cases, traditional chatbots are better than conversational AI chatbots. They have unique benefits such as ease of setup and cost-effectiveness. You can trust them to handle routine tasks for you or respond to common FAQ from customers or employees. 

Users can easily add these chatbots to websites, messaging applications, and other channels to improve customer service efficiency. 

If your support teams don’t usually receive complex requests to address or want to automate responses to only specific topics, chatbots will be a suitable option for your use case. 


Weaknesses of chatbots

Chatbots have a limited understanding of user intent, leading to frustrating experiences for users when they input complex questions. The responses from a rule-based chatbot might feel repetitive and impersonal, making it a less engaging and monotonous interaction for customers. 

Basic chatbot software programs learn manually, making real-time adaptation based on live interactions difficult. 

If you’re seeking a chatbot for customer support use cases, it’s advisable to go with AI chat support. Predicting the complexity of requests you’ll get when delivering an omnichannel conversational experience is tricky.

How to choose the best platform for your business

You should consider a few things when choosing the best platform to use in a business: 

  • Complexity: If you deal with simple and repetitive inquiries, it’s best to use a simple chatbot. However, as the complexities of your inquiries increase, so does the need for conversational AI to support customers with more personalization. 
  • Budget: Determine how much you are willing to spend. Conversational AI will require a significant upfront investment. 
  • Scalability: Consider how your needs might change in the near future. Think about your expansion plans and how you anticipate your customer base to grow. Account for the complexities that can arise in the future, like payment policies for different geographies or return policies for different categories of products you might add. Conversational AI scales well as the business grows.

As AI evolves, we’ll likely see hyper-personalization of interactions becoming an expectation of your customers. Conversational AI will help you cater to this and have a future-proof solution for your business. 

Power Your Customer Conversations With Nextiva

Both conversational AI and chatbots have different strengths and weaknesses depending on their use cases in a business. You can choose the solution that best aligns with your company’s needs based on your use case. 

Ideally, you should choose a solution that delivers the best conversational AI and chatbot capabilities. Such a solution will be future-proof when your company grows and customer expectations of AI bots change over time. 

Nextiva delivers the best of conversational AI and chatbots to power your customer interactions at scale.

Personalize at scale with AI chatbots.

Deliver human-like, personalized sales and customer support every time.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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25+ VoIP Features and Benefits for All Businesses

July 21, 2024 11 min read

Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell

If your phone bill is eating into your profits, it’s time to use the cost-effective alternative, VoIP. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) replaces traditional phone lines with your existing internet connection, reducing communication expenses.

But VoIP is more than just a budget-friendly option. It’s a flexible communication tool packed with essential and advanced features that enhance your business communications.

However, not all VoIP service providers offer the same features. It’s crucial to select a virtual phone service with the calling features your team needs both now and as your business needs grow. Let’s explore the top VoIP features every business phone system should have.

VoIP at a Glance

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. Simply put, it means making phone calls over the internet instead of traditional landlines and private branch exchanges (PBXs). Here are some benefits of VoIP for businesses big and small:

Now onto the VoIP features list.

Top VoIP Features To Look For

Here’s a closer look at each:

Core Call Handling

The following telephony features form the backbone of a modern business phone system and make communication more efficient, flexible, and professional.

1. Voice Calls

HD voice calls are the bread and butter of any phone system. With VoIP, you make calls over the internet and the call quality is typically excellent.

You also often get more flexibility in where and how you can make calls. It’s not just about talking, it’s about clear, reliable communication from anywhere with an internet connection.

2. Caller ID

Think of VoIP caller ID as your digital peephole. Before you pick up, you know who’s calling. It’s great for prioritizing calls, preparing for important conversations, or avoiding unwanted interruptions.

In a business setting, it can help you greet callers by name, adding a personal touch to your interactions.

3. Call Forwarding

Call forwarding is a lifesaver for mobile and remote workers or anyone who’s not always at their desk. You can set calls to automatically redirect to your cell phone, home office, or even a colleague when unavailable. It ensures you never miss important calls, even on the go.

4. Call Transfer

Transferring calls enables efficient call management in a team setting. You can quickly pass a call to the right person without making the caller hang up and dial again. It’s smooth, professional, and saves everyone time.

5. Call Routing

It’s like a smart traffic controller for your incoming calls. You can set up rules to route calls based on various factors — time of day, caller ID, or which department customers are trying to reach.

Advanced call routing ensures calls get to the right person quickly, improving customer service and internal efficiency.

Inbound call routing

6. Three-way Calling

Sometimes you need to bring another person into the conversation. Three-way calling lets you do that on the fly. It’s great for quick team consultations or bringing in an expert during a client call.

7. Conference Calling

This is your go-to feature when you need to get more than three people on a call. With conference calling, you get a virtual meeting room where multiple team members or clients can join for discussions, presentations, or collaborative sessions.

8. Call Park

Call parking is particularly useful in office settings where people move around a lot. Instead of transferring a call to a specific extension, you can ‘park’ it in a virtual spot.

Then, anyone can pick it up from any phone in the system. It’s handy when you’re not sure where a colleague is or if you need to change locations during a call.

Customer Service

These VoIP phone features enhance customer satisfaction and team efficiency.

9. Auto-attendants

Auto-attendants are virtual receptionists that greet callers with a professional message and help them navigate to the right department or person.

You get a 24/7 front desk that never takes a coffee break. This feature streamlines your call handling, ensuring callers get to the right place quickly without tying up your staff.

auto attendant call flows

10. IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

This is the next level of auto-attendant. Instead of just directing calls, IVRs can handle simple tasks and inquiries. Callers can interact using voice commands or their phone keypad.

For example, they might check their account balance, make a payment, or get basic information without speaking to a human agent. It’s a great way to handle high call volumes and routine inquiries.

11. Call Queues

When all your agents are busy, call queueing keeps callers in line. Instead of getting a busy signal or being sent to voicemail, callers wait their turn.

It’s better than traditional call waiting and can set up different queues for different departments or types of calls. It’s a balancing act between managing high call volumes and keeping wait times reasonable.

12. Custom Music on Hold

Hold music turns potentially frustrating wait times into a branding opportunity. Instead of generic elevator music, you can play information about your products or services, share company news, or set a mood that aligns with your brand. It’s a chance to engage with a captive audience, so use it wisely.

13. Voicemail

Voicemail is your catchall for when you can’t answer calls. But modern voicemail systems are more than just message recorders.

You can customize voicemail greetings for different situations, get notifications when you receive a message, forward your voicemails to your phone, and even access your voicemails from email or a mobile app.

Setting up voicemail in Nextiva

14. Voicemail Transcription

Voicemail transcription turns voicemail messages into text, making them much easier to scan and manage. Instead of listening to each message, you can quickly read through them, prioritize responses, and search for specific information later.

Voicemail transcription is a real-time-saver, especially for busy professionals who receive a lot of voicemails.

Productivity & Collaboration

Productivity features streamline communication and teamwork. They provide multiple communication channels for your team to choose the most appropriate method for each customer interaction.

15. Video Conferencing

Video calls are must-haves for remote and hybrid work environments. Video conferencing adds a visual dimension to your calls, allowing face-to-face interactions, no matter the location.

You can read body language, share screens to review documents together, and use virtual backgrounds to maintain a professional appearance from anywhere. It’s not just for internal meetings either; use it for client presentations, job interviews, or virtual events.

Video conferencing service Nextiva

16. Instant Messaging

Team chat brings the quick, casual nature of SMS into your work environment. It’s great for those questions or comments that don’t quite warrant an email or a call.

Need a quick answer? Ping a colleague. Want to share a link? Instant message it over.

Most hosted PBX phone systems come with instant messaging capabilities. That’s great for customers who want other options besides email and phone calls.

It keeps communication flowing without cluttering inboxes or interrupting calls. Just be mindful of your company’s policies on saving or archiving these conversations, especially if you discuss sensitive information.

17. Business Text Messaging

Business text messaging bridges the gap between personal and professional communication. You can send and receive texts using your business number, keeping your personal number private.

It’s perfect for quick client updates, appointment reminders, or brief team communications. Remember, while texting is informal, keep it professional when using your business number.

business text messaging

18. Online Faxing

Yes, faxing is still a thing in some industries, particularly legal and healthcare. Online faxing brings this old-school technology into the digital age.

You can send and receive faxes directly from your computer or mobile phone — no paper required. It’s more secure than email for sensitive documents and provides a paper trail when you need it. Plus, it saves trees and office space from bulky fax machines.

Advanced Call Management

Call management features give you greater control over your calling environment, helping you manage interruptions, improve quality, and gain insights into your communication patterns.

19. Call Recording

Recording calls means having a photographic memory for your phone conversations. It’s invaluable for training new employees, reviewing complex discussions, and ensuring quality customer service.

In some industries, call recording is essential for legal compliance. Just remember to inform callers they’re being recorded, which is both a legal requirement and good business etiquette. Also, make sure you have a secure system for storing and accessing these recordings.

20. Call Analytics

Call analytics decipher your phone traffic. VoIP solutions provide data on call volumes, peak times, average call duration, and individual agent performance.

Businesses use these insights to optimize staffing, identify training needs, and improve operational efficiency. For example, if you notice a spike in calls every Monday morning, you might schedule more staff for that time. It’s about making data-driven decisions to improve your operations.

21. Call Screening

A virtual bouncer that lets you set up rules to filter incoming calls based on various criteria. Use call screening to prioritize calls from existing clients or block known telemarketers.

You can send certain calls straight to voicemail or redirect them to a specific department to better manage your time and ensure the most important calls get through.

22. Anonymous Call Rejection

Call blocking is your shield against mysterious “Unknown” or “Private” number calls. Anonymous call rejection automatically blocks calls from hidden numbers, reducing interruptions from potential spam or unwanted calls.

However, use this feature judiciously — some legitimate callers might use blocked numbers for privacy reasons.

23. DND (Do Not Disturb)

DND is your “peace and quiet” button. When activated, it sends all inbound calls directly to voicemail without your phone ringing. It’s perfect for when you’re in a meeting, working on a crucial project, or just need some uninterrupted focus time.

Many systems allow you to schedule DND times, so you could set it to automatically activate during your daily planning hour, for example.

Bonus Features

Here are some more add-ons that reputable cloud-based phone systems offer.

24. Number Porting

Number porting lets you keep your existing phone number when moving to a new VoIP provider. It ensures your clients can reach you at the number they’ve always used, maintaining business continuity.

The process might take a few days to a couple of weeks, but it saves you the headache of updating your contact info on every business card, website, and client record.

25. Hot Desking

Hot desking lets you log into any device and still have all your agent profile settings show up automatically. With this VoIP feature, you use the extension of the phone you’re currently using.

It’s a useful feature for those business owners and small businesses running low on office space or call centers with field agents on cell phones.

26. Mobile App

A mobile app lets you carry your office phone in your pocket. Softphones turn your smartphone, desktop, or tablet into an extension of your business phone system.

Make and receive calls using your work number, transfer calls to colleagues, or check voicemail, all while sipping a latte at your favorite café.

It’s perfect for remote workers, business owners, or anyone who needs flexibility in their work location. Just remember, a strong internet connection is key for the best call quality.

Nextiva mobile phone app

27. Unified Communications

Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) brings together various tools — voice, video, messaging, and file sharing — into one cohesive communications platform. Instead of juggling multiple apps, you have a single interface for all your communication needs.

Start with a chat, escalate to a call, and then switch to video conferencing, all without missing a beat. Unified Communications make collaboration smoother and more intuitive, regardless of where your team is.

28. CRM Integrations

When integrated with your customer relationship management (CRM) software, your phone system can automatically log calls, pull up customer information during incoming calls, and dial out directly from your CRM.

You have a client’s entire history at your fingertips the moment they call. CRM integrations help businesses provide more personalized service and keep all customer interactions neatly organized in one place.


29. Business phone numbers

Many VoIP phone services let you choose business phone numbers that suit your business needs. You can select from local numbers to build a community presence, toll-free numbers for national accessibility, or virtual numbers for location-independent operations.

You’re not limited to one type, mix and match to create a phone identity that aligns with your business strategy.

How To Choose the Right VoIP Phone Features

Selecting the right VoIP phone system features is like picking tools for your toolbox. You want what you need without unnecessary clutter. Here’s how to approach it:

VoIP features

The goal is to enhance productivity and communication, not to have the longest list of VoIP features. Choose wisely to transform your communication system from good to great.

Nextiva: The Smart Choice for Scalable and Feature-Rich VoIP

VoIP technology isn’t just about phone calls, it’s a mix of features that define how your business communicates. Think streamlining operations, boosting customer satisfaction, and increasing productivity, all through a single platform.

Nextiva makes this a reality. We offer essential and advanced VoIP features from clear and HD voice calls to advanced unified communications and seamless CRM integration. Whether a small business or a growing enterprise, Nextiva’s scalable VoIP phone service adapts to your needs.

You only pay for what you use and get more than calling features:

Experience the reliability and clarity of Nextiva VoIP.

Get your questions answered and see how Nextiva offers the features you need.


Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell was a growth marketer at Nextiva. He combines his skills in content marketing, SEO, data analysis, and marketing strategy to meet audiences in their journey. He has helped scale SaaS brands like G2 and Sphere Software and contributed to G2's traffic growth. You can find him tweeting about e-commerce, sports, gaming, and business.

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20 of the Top Contact Center Companies in the USA

July 21, 2024 12 min read

Robert Pleasant

Robert Pleasant

Plenty of great options exist for companies looking for a new contact center solution. In fact, there are so many that it can be hard to narrow down the options. So, which ones have the features, scalability, and functionality your business needs?

To help make your decision easier, we’ve taken 20 of the top call center service providers for US-based businesses and broken down their strengths, limitations, features, and overall rankings. Take a look, and see what call center companies best fit your business.


G2 rating: 4.5/5 (3,150 reviews)


Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, with over 1,000 employees, Nextiva is a major player in the telecommunications and contact center space. Nextiva offers cloud-based communications and collaboration, unified communications as a service (UCaaS), and VoIP phone systems for small businesses and large enterprises.

Customers love Nextiva for its ease of use, wide array of high-quality contact center and communications features, and top-tier customer care. Nextiva pricing starts at $18.95 per user per month, making it a competitively priced option.

Nextiva G2 review

Nextiva’s AI-powered analytics and automation features include virtual assistants, call analytics, and advanced interactive voice response (IVR) with conversational AI. Additionally, Nextiva’s platform integrates with top customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho, and Microsoft Dynamics.


G2 rating: 4.3/5 (1,346 reviews)

genesys contact center software

Genesys, located in Menlo Park, California, is one of the largest contact center companies. It has over 5,000 employees and is a leader in high-end omnichannel customer experience and contact center solutions, with pricing beginning at $75 per user per month.

One of Genesys’ biggest selling points is its focus on journey orchestration and experience as a service. The goal is to make the customer journey smooth and painless and provide an empathetic customer experience.

Genesys offers a cloud contact center with a wide range of features. These include omnichannel customer engagement tools, AI-driven analytics, workforce optimization tools, and integrations with CRM platforms, such as Salesforce, Zendesk, and Freshdesk.


G2 rating: 4.0/5 (389 reviews)

Five9 dashboard

Five9, headquartered in San Ramon, California, is a cloud-based contact center solution provider with over 1,000 employees. It boasts end-to-end digital engagement, analytics, and workforce optimization, which helps it stand as a leading CCaaS provider.

Five9’s cloud contact center has several useful capabilities, including intelligent routing, predictive dialing, and robust reporting and analytics. It also offers AI-driven automation to enhance agent productivity, such as conversational and generative AI chatbot solutions and interaction summarization.


G2 rating: 4.3/5 (1,599 reviews)


NICE, located in Hoboken, New Jersey, is a customer experience AI platform and CCaaS provider with over 3,000 employees. The NICE CXone cloud contact center platform is designed to streamline contact center operations and create a quality user experience.

NICE CXone uses AI-powered tools to improve customer interactions, with Enlighten Copilot assisting call center agents and Enlighten Autopilot facilitating customer self-service. Its contact center platform also includes workforce optimization tools, omnichannel routing, and analytics and performance management to keep contact centers running at their best.


G2 rating: 4.3/5 (5,858 reviews)


Based in San Francisco, California, Zendesk is a CRM vendor that recently added CCaaS capabilities. It provides companies with messaging, workforce engagement, AI and automation tools, and more.

Zendesk is known for its CRM capabilities and integrated customer support solutions, including multichannel communication, customizable workflows, and robust analytics.

Recently, Zendesk launched several AI-powered automation features, including AI agents for customer support services, Agent Copilot to assist contact center agents, and AI-powered workforce engagement management.


G2 rating: 4.4/5 (2,212 reviews)

Talkdesk contact center

Talkdesk, which is located in San Francisco, California, is a global cloud contact center provider with over 2,000 employees. Talkdesk provides contact centers for a wide range of vertical markets, including health care and financial services.

Talkdesk offers a cloud-native contact center with AI-enhanced features, using AI for omnichannel engagement, self-service, analytics, and more. It also provides omnichannel support to help customers across all touchpoints, real-time reporting and analytics, and workforce management tools to keep employees engaged and efficient.


G2 rating: 4.0/5 (132 reviews)


RingCentral, headquartered in Belmont, California, is a UCaaS and CCaaS provider with over 3,000 employees. Its offerings include RingCX, an AI-first contact center designed for voice, chat, and digital communication channels, and RingCentral Contact Center, a more advanced and customizable contact center solution.

RingCentral is known for its omnichannel contact center, which integrates with many popular business apps, such as Microsoft Teams and WhatsApp. The company also offers real-time analytics and reporting to provide a full view of the contact center environment.

RingCentral has been focusing on adding AI and machine learning capabilities to its platform and providing AI-based workforce engagement and support before, during, and after calls.


G2 rating: 4.0/5 (192 reviews)


8×8, located in Campbell, California, is a contact center and cloud communications company with over 1,500 employees. Its offerings are built primarily for midsized businesses and include cloud-based voice, video, contact center, and unified communications.

8×8’s contact center solution includes integrated voice, video, chat, and omnichannel routing. It also has AI-driven analytics, including speech analytics and workforce optimization tools, to help keep contact centers fully staffed and employees properly scheduled.


G2 rating: 4.1/5 (177 reviews)

Avaya contact center software

Avaya, headquartered in Morristown, New Jersey, is a contact center provider with around 8,000 employees. It offers cloud, hybrid, and on-premises contact center solution options, so organizations can choose the model that best suits their business.

Avaya’s contact center solution, the Avaya Experience Platform, is an omnichannel offering that enables agents to help customers on their channel of choice — voice, video, chat, email, social media, and so on.

It’s available as a private cloud, public cloud, or on-premises solution and offers advanced analytics, workforce engagement management, and AI automation and orchestration tools.

Cisco Contact Center

G2 rating: 4.4/5 (Express) and 4.1/5 (Enterprise)

Cisco Contact Center

With over 79,000 employees, Cisco is one of the biggest companies on this list. Located in San Jose, California, Cisco offers a unified contact center in cloud or on-premises solutions.

Cisco’s contact center offerings include Webex Contact Center, Cisco Unified Contact Center Express, and Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise. Of those, only Webex Contact Center is cloud-based. The others are on-premises solutions for companies with different contact center needs.

All of Cisco’s offerings include integrated AI and machine learning capabilities as well as advanced security features. The company also has omnichannel contact center capabilities, so businesses can meet their customers wherever they are.


G2 rating: 4.1/5 (136 reviews)

Freshdesk Contact Center

Freshdesk is a product from Freshworks, a customer service and CRM software company located in San Mateo, California, with over 4,000 employees.

Freshdesk Contact Center is an all-in-one contact center solution designed to make calls from within Freshdesk and convert calls to tickets. It integrates seamlessly with the other Freshworks solutions, including its CRM platform, and includes AI-powered chatbots, omnichannel support, and reporting and analytics tools to help improve productivity.

Salesforce Service Cloud

G2 rating: 4.3/5 (3,803 reviews)


Salesforce is best known for its CRM software, but it also has its own customer support platform. Salesforce Service Cloud is an AI-powered workspace designed to support customers across email, phone chat, messaging, self-service, and more while routing work to the best team member for the job.

Salesforce, which is located in San Francisco, California, is a large organization with over 70,000 employees. Salesforce Service Cloud natively integrates with Salesforce CRM and provides comprehensive analytics and workforce management tools alongside its omnichannel customer support features.

Vonage Contact Center

G2 rating: 4.1/5 (64 reviews)


Vonage, located in Holmdel, New Jersey, offers an integrated UCaaS and CCaaS solution. Vonage’s contact center platform is a cloud-based omnichannel solution that leverages AI for self-service, agent assistance, postcall analytics, and more.

Vonage Contact Center is also known for its advanced analytics and reporting as well as its Agent UX features designed to gamify the contact center experience. It also integrates with CRM solutions and platforms like Salesforce, ServiceNow, and Zendesk.

Alvaria (Formerly Aspect Via)

G2 rating: 4.2/5 (260 reviews)

Alvaria (Formerly Aspect Via) Contact Center

Located in Westford, Massachusetts, Alvaria is an omnichannel call center software company with over 1,800 employees. Its cloud call center solution, formerly Aspect Via, boasts easy deployment and scalability to support growing businesses.

Like many others on this list, Alvaria’s solution offers performance analytics, workforce management, and omnichannel customer engagement features. These include supervisor tools like call recording and customizable interaction scoring, analytics built on real-time data, and postcontact surveys to measure customer satisfaction.


G2 rating: 4.5/5 (1,489 reviews)


LiveAgent is a smaller company with around 100 employees that’s located in New York City. It offers an all-in-one help desk solution, including omnichannel support.

LiveAgent’s call center services include tools for help desks, live chat, ticketing, social media, and self-service options. It also has comprehensive reporting and analytics and a wide array of integrations, including WhatsApp, Slack, WordPress, Shopify, and Mailchimp.


G2 rating: 4.7/5 (972 reviews)

UJET Contact Center

Headquartered in San Francisco, California, UJET is another smaller company. It has around 300 employees.

UJET offers a cloud-native contact center with omnichannel communications. Its AI and automation features include virtual agents and agent assist, and it integrates with CRM systems like Salesforce, Kustomer, and Zendesk. Additionally, UJET offers real-time analytics and reporting to help supervisors stay alert and ready to help agents at a moment’s notice.


G2 rating: 4.3/5 (34 reviews)

3CLogic contact center

3CLogic is also a smaller organization with around 100 employees. Headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, it offers AI-powered CX cloud contact center solutions designed to improve customer service and customer relationships.

Like other options on this list, 3CLogic has omnichannel routing, comprehensive analytics, and integrations with different CRM systems. These include task automation via conversational AI and self-service portals, intelligent routing (including VIP routing), and automated QA processes that monitor customer sentiment, best practice adherence, and keyword usage.


G2 rating: 3.8/5 (36 reviews)

Sharpen contact center

Sharpen, which has over 100 employees, is a CCaaS provider located in Indianapolis, Indiana. It offers a cloud-native contact center with omnichannel capabilities that’s designed to simplify the contact center experience for more efficient call resolutions.

Sharpen’s contact center includes AI and automation tools designed to eliminate routine tasks and create a personalized customer experience. As with other contact centers on this list, it includes omnichannel capabilities, real-time analytics, and CRM integrations to help make each interaction more efficient and lead to a positive resolution.


G2 rating: 4.3/5 (245 reviews)


Headquartered in San Ramon, California, Dialpad is an AI-powered cloud communications company with over 700 employees. It offers both UCaaS and CCaaS with voice, video, and messaging integrations.

The AI capabilities of Dialpad AI Contact Center include real-time transcriptions, agent assist tools that automatically provide input and suggestions during calls, and sentiment analysis.

It also integrates with popular business apps, including Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Outlook, Zapier, and Salesforce.


G2 rating: 4.5/5 (686 reviews)

CallTrackingMetrics contact center

CallTrackingMetrics, located in Severna Park, Maryland, is a conversation analytics solutions company with around 100 employees. It provides no-code integrations with popular business apps and is designed to help marketing and sales teams.

As the name suggests, CallTrackingMetrics specializes in call tracking and analytics. Like other providers on this list, it also offers AI and automation features and workforce management tools.

What to Look for in a Contact Center Provider

Looking at the list of CCaaS providers, you can see certain recurring elements. Many contact center vendors are investing in AI, providing multichannel or omnichannel communications, integrating with CRM platforms, and offering robust analytics.

However, to understand which contact center vendor is right for you, you should look a bit closer to see where each one truly stands out.


The first thing to look for in a contact center solution is features that can improve your contact center operations.

Important features include:

  • Omnichannel capabilities that enable your agents to support customers over voice, email, chat, social media, and more
  • Automatic call distribution to efficiently route calls to available agents and reduce wait times
  • IVR menus to give callers self-service options
  • Call recording and analytics to improve quality monitoring and oversight
  • Reporting and dashboards that let supervisors track performance metrics


If you have a growing business, you need a contact center that can scale with you. Consider how easy it is to scale the contact center, and decide if it can keep up with your company’s growth and call volume.

For instance, cloud platforms don’t require any additional hardware or equipment, which makes them significantly easier to scale than on-premises solutions. So, if you’re looking for a flexible, scalable solution, a cloud option will be your best bet.


When handling important customer information or other sensitive information, you need to ensure its security. Check that the contact center provides robust data security measures and meets all major security standards.

This is particularly important in regulated industries and fields with specific security requirements, such as HIPAA compliance rules for health care companies. You’ll need to make sure the contact center platform meets those particular compliance requirements.


Most contact center platforms offer integrations with popular CRM applications, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Consider all the tools and apps your contact center agents use daily, from calendars to email apps to payment processing.

Integrating your contact center with these apps will help improve efficiency and reduce the need for agents to constantly switch from one screen to another.

Contact center integrations can help agents instantly sync data, access information, log phone calls, and more, so you’ll want a platform that integrates with your workers’ tools and applications.


Ease of use

No matter how many features a contact center platform has, it won’t do your agents any good if it’s not user-friendly. Ease of use is an essential aspect of any contact center solution, as it ensures agents can do their jobs quickly and efficiently.

The right contact center solution offers a simple and intuitive dashboard interface, making it easy for agents to access the features and tools they need and reducing the time they spend switching between tabs and searching for tools. An easy-to-use system also impacts agent training and onboarding, enabling agents to get up and running quickly.


Contact centers are essential for everything from lead generation and market research to technical support and telemarketing. However, businesses have budgets to think about, so it’s important to consider how much you’re spending and what you’re getting for it.

The various contact center solutions on the market all have different price points, with more feature-rich platforms costing more. Many platforms have optional add-ons, which can increase their cost far outside your projected budget if you’re not careful.

This is why you must look for a solution with a transparent pricing model that fits your budget. A predictable recurring cost can help ensure your contact center stays within your price range with no nasty surprises or hidden fees.


Related: How to Improve Your Contact Center Workforce Management

Why Businesses Choose Nextiva 

Even with all the contact center vendors out there, one name stands above the rest: Nextiva.

Nextiva offers a top-ranked AI-powered contact center solution that’s flexible, scalable, and powerful. Its inbound and outbound call center tools with blended omnichannel communications capabilities allow your agents to manage customer inquiries on any channel, including phone, SMS, email, and social media.

Additionally, Nextiva provides a wide range of services designed to improve efficiency, save money, and boost customer satisfaction. These include workforce optimization, skills-based routing, unified reporting across channels, and quality monitoring and coaching tools.

Of course, Nextiva’s AI features also help agents and customers alike. Nextiva’s contact center can improve efficiency and satisfaction with automatic transcription and summary tools, task automation, speech-enabled IVR that can act as a virtual receptionist, dynamic scripting, and much more.

Your AI-powered contact center.

Create amazing customer experiences with Nextiva’s enterprise contact center software.


Robert Pleasant

Robert Pleasant is an experienced content writer, having begun his career as a freelancer for BCStrategies before moving on to work for several tech and unified communications companies, including ShoreTel and Dialpad. He currently works as a freelance writer, bringing his experience in UCaaS, CCaaS, and AI to news sites and blogs across the communications…

Posts from this author

Remote Office Phone System: Features, Benefits, and Setup

July 21, 2024 10 min read

Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby

The pandemic turned the business world upside down, proving that work doesn’t always happen in a traditional office. But when your team’s spread out, having the right tools to stay connected is key.

Businesses that are quick to adapt, like embracing remote work and the tech that goes with it, often have a leg up on the competition.

Enter the remote office phone system. It doesn’t just let you make calls from anywhere but empowers your remote team to work efficiently and collaboratively, no matter where they are.

With more than 38% of companies having remote workers who rely on email and phone communication, a reliable office phone system is necessary.

Remote work statistics

Let’s dive into what remote phone systems are all about, why they’re beneficial, and how you can choose the right one for your business.

What Is a Remote Phone System?

A remote phone system, also known as a virtual phone system or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone system, allows businesses to make and receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection. It uses VoIP technology to transmit voice calls over the internet instead of traditional phone lines.

Think of it as your office phone system but without the office. You can work from home, a coffee shop, or even the beach, all while using your business phone number.

Remote office phone systems not only free communication from the traditional office space but also provide businesses big and small with flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.

For offices, this means employees can seamlessly move between working from home, in the office, or on the go, while maintaining a consistent and professional phone presence. Integration with other essential business tools further boosts productivity and team collaboration.

Types of Business Phone Systems for Remote Work

Here are the most common types of business phone systems for remote workers:

1. Cloud-based VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems

A cloud phone system is a popular choice for remote teams. VoIP phone systems use the internet to transmit voice calls, offering a cost-effective and scalable solution.

They come packed with features like call forwarding, voicemail transcription, virtual numbers, and integrations with other business tools. Popular providers include Nextiva, 8×8, and Ooma.

How cloud VoIP works

2. Virtual phone systems

Similar to VoIP systems, virtual phone systems operate entirely over the internet. They offer a range of features like auto attendants, call routing, and call recording, providing businesses with a professional office phone system without the need for expensive hardware.

Examples include Grasshopper, Google Voice for Business, and eVoice.

3. Softphone applications

Softphone apps allow you to make and receive calls using your computer or mobile device, turning your device into a phone. This is a convenient option for remote workers who prefer to use their existing devices for communication.

Popular softphone apps include Nextiva, Zoiper, Bria, and Linphone.

4. Mobile VoIP apps

Mobile VoIP apps extend the functionality of softphones to smartphones and tablets, allowing users to make calls using their cellular data or wireless (Wi-Fi) connection. This is an excellent option for employees who are frequently on the move.

Some popular mobile VoIP apps include Skype for Business, WhatsApp Business, and Viber.

What Are the Benefits of a Remote Office Phone System?

Remote access means flexibility, and flexibility is key to top-notch customer service. Let’s explore the main advantages of implementing a remote office phone system for your business:

1. Seamless connectivity

Take your office phone number with you wherever you go. No more juggling personal and business lines. Make and receive quality phone calls from anywhere and never miss an important business conversation.

You’re not tied to a desk, simply use a mobile or desktop app to take calls on the go. This setup keeps you connected with clients and co-workers, ensuring you’re always accessible, whether you’re working from home (via a home office phone) or traveling.

2. Unified communications

A remote business phone system removes the hassle of tracking down personal cell phone numbers. Call forwarding and virtual extensions keep everyone connected.

You get voice calls, video meetings, screen-sharing instant messaging, and SMS, all in one place. Talk, chat, or collaborate face-to-face, no matter where your team members are. It’s also easy to switch between different communication methods as needed.

Unified communications

3. Enhanced productivity & organization

Features like virtual voicemail and call routing help your team stay organized and on top of things.

An always-updated company directory helps employees find each other quickly, saving time and boosting efficiency. Real-time communication features like instant messaging and presence indicators keep your team connected and responsive throughout the workday.

Virtual phone systems also provide local numbers and toll-free numbers. PBX systems let employees stay accessible by using their office extensions. The remote phone flexibility keeps your team organized and focused, regardless of where they work.

4. Significant cost-savings

A remote office phone system saves business costs. It eliminates the need for traditional phone lines and hardware, which reduces your upfront investment and ongoing maintenance costs.

VoIP phone services offer lower call rates and predictable monthly fees than a traditional PBX, especially for long-distance and international calling. Plus, the ability to scale your system up or down as needed means you only pay for what you use, making it a cost-effective solution even for small businesses.

FeatureRemote Phone SystemTraditional PBX
CostLower upfront costs, predictable monthly feesHigh upfront investment, ongoing maintenance
ScalabilityEasily add or remove lines as neededRequires physical changes, often costly
FlexibilityWork from anywhere with internet accessTied to a physical location
FeaturesWide range of advanced features includedOften require additional hardware or licenses
MaintenanceManaged by the providerRequires in-house IT expertise

5. Robust security & privacy

Custom user permissions let you assign access to VoIP features as needed, giving you control over system settings and security. Your VoIP provider maintains the security infrastructure, including call encryption, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Transport Layer Security - Diagram via Cloudflare
Transport Layer Security – Diagram via Cloudflare

On top of that, keeping personal and business communications separate maintains professionalism and protects your team’s personal contact information.

A remote work phone system gives you the flexibility and features needed to keep your team connected, productive, and secure, regardless of their location. It’s a modern phone solution for the evolving workplace, adapting your business to operate in any environment while keeping expenses in check.

Must-Have Features of a Remote Phone System

Remote work tools and strategies help achieve greater flexibility in the workplace.

The best way to create a remote office phone system is to start with a quality VoIP phone system that provides users with functionality once reserved for advanced call centers. These calling features are now standard for most modern office phone systems.

Here are the top VoIP features you should look for when choosing a remote office phone system:

Choosing the Right Remote Office Phone System

Alright, so you’re convinced a remote phone system is the way to go. But with so many options, how do you pick the one for your remote team? Here’s a quick guide to help you make the right call:

1. Features

Everyone’s needs are different. Some teams might be all about video conferencing, while others just need better call quality. Make a list of the must-have VoIP features and see which providers tick those boxes.

VoIP features

2. Reliability & scalability

Dropped calls and downtime are a major buzzkill. Check out online reviews and ask which providers are known for their reliability and uptime. You want a phone system that works when you need it to.

Your business is growing, and your phone system should be able to keep up. Look for a provider that can easily add or remove lines as your team expands or contracts.

3. Security & support

Protecting your data is non-negotiable. Make sure your chosen provider takes security seriously, with features like encryption and strong password requirements.

Above all, your remote phone system provider should have excellent support teams, so you can get help without any hassle.

4. Budget

Of course, you want to get the best bang for your buck. Compare pricing from different providers, but remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best. Consider the value you’re getting with features, reliability, and support.

Switching to VoIP saves costs

How To Set Up a Remote Phone Service

Let’s look at the key steps to set up your remote office phone system.

🎛 Test your internet connection.

First, you should have an internet connection to support all the VoIP features you use. A general rule of thumb is that you need about 100 kbps to upload and download per line.

Take this VoIP speed test to see if your internet connection can handle VoIP. 

✅ Choose a VoIP provider and plan. 

We discussed the steps earlier to choosing a VoIP provider. Essentially, select a provider that understands and aligns with your business needs. Don’t just jump on the first option but curate a list and compare them on the features that’ll best support your remote employees.

☎️ Get a business phone number. 

If you already have a business phone number, many VoIP providers can use your existing phone number when they set up your remote office phone system. 

If you don’t already have a business phone number, many VoIP providers will include a phone number in your package. All you need to know to get a business phone number is what type of number you want — local, toll-free, vanity, or virtual. 

⚙️ Set up your remote office phone. 

Once you have a provider and hardware, it’s time to complete the setup in your office. The specific steps depend on the hardware and the number of employees. Check out this video from Nextiva with all the details. 

Transition To Remote Work With Nextiva

The future of work is flexible, and Nextiva’s cloud VoIP service keeps your team connected anywhere. Our remote office phone system offers unlimited calling, text messaging, improved workflows, and add-ons — all for less than traditional analog services.

Upgrade your customer service with our integrated contact center solution. Like businesses embraced cloud email for better email management, switching to Nextiva is the logical next step to save costs, boost productivity, and future-proof your business communications.

Remember fax machines? They’re obsolete now. Don’t let your phone system follow suit. By moving to Nextiva’s cloud communication, you’re preparing for whatever the future holds.

Choose Nextiva and experience flexible, reliable communication. It’s not just an upgrade — it’s a strategic move for success.

Choose the right business phone system for you. It's free.

Get your business phone, messages, video meetings, contact management and notes–integrated in ONE powerful app. FREE.

Remote Office Phone System FAQs

How much does a remote office phone system cost?

The cost varies depending on the provider, features, and number of users you need. Typically, expect to pay a monthly fee per user, often less than $20 per line, which can be lower than traditional landlines. Here’s why:

– No expensive hardware: Use softphone apps on your existing computers or mobile devices, eliminating the need for pricey desk phones.
– Feature-packed plans: Most features are bundled into the monthly fee, avoiding surprise charges.
– Easy scalability: Adding or removing lines is simple and cost-effective, unlike with traditional PBX systems.
– Annual discounts: Opting for an annual plan can further reduce costs.

A remote phone system is a cost-effective investment that delivers a ton of value for businesses of all sizes.

What is the best remote office phone system?

The “best” phone system for remote workers depends on your needs and budget. Some popular and highly-rated providers include Nextiva, 8×8, and Zoom Phone. It’s worth comparing features and pricing to find the best VoIP provider fit for your business.

What equipment do I need to set up a remote phone system?

Most remote phone systems are cloud-based, so you likely won’t need any special equipment. Your existing devices should work just fine. You’ll typically need:

– A reliable VoIP phone service
– IP phones or softphone apps
– High-speed internet connection
– Router with QoS (Quality of Service) settings

Can I keep my business phone number?

You can keep your business phone number when switching to a remote office phone system through number porting. Nextiva handles the transfer for you.

Here’s how.

Porting allows you to maintain continuity for your customers and avoid updating your contact details everywhere. Keep in mind the geographic restrictions, and while most business numbers can be ported, some specialized numbers might have different requirements.

Is a remote office phone system secure?

Remote office phone systems can be highly secure when implemented correctly. Most reputable providers, like Nextiva, use encryption for calls and data transmission, multi-factor authentication for user access, and regular security updates.

However, the security also depends on your company’s practices, such as using strong passwords and training employees on security protocols. Choose a service provider that complies with relevant industry standards and regulations. While no system is completely immune to threats, a well-managed remote phone system is more secure than traditional on-premises setups.


Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

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10 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Business Phone System

July 20, 2024 11 min read

Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell

Making and receiving calls is essential for most businesses. But if you still rely on a traditional phone system, you’re missing out on valuable features and cost savings.

This guide explores the telltale signs it’s time to upgrade your business phone system and offers a decision-making framework to help you determine the best course of action.

Why Upgrade Your Business Phone System?

Should you update your business phone system? If your trusty old phone system is more of a burden than a benefit, it’s time to look for other solutions. Here are some red flags that indicate it’s time to explore an upgrade:

1) Rising costs

Is your phone bill high and unpredictable? If so, upgrading your phone system to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is an easy, cost-saving win. The cost of legacy phone systems adds up quickly due to on-site equipment, licensing, maintenance, new phone lines, technicians, and international calls.

Switching to a cloud phone system can save up to 60% off your phone bill. It enables you to:

It’s simple, a landline phone system costs you around $50 per line each month and usually only includes local calls in that rate. Depending on your needs and the provider you choose, a VoIP phone system will typically cost you less than $25 per line and you’ll know exactly what your bill will be every month.

2) Outdated technology

It’s not just expensive to maintain, but it also relies on technology that will eventually go out of date. Every time a piece of your equipment fails, it will get harder for you to find replacement parts and a technician who can handle the fix.

It will also get more difficult for you to get new technology solutions added to your tech stack if your phone system is running a decade or more behind. They won’t be compatible and it will bring you more frustration than benefits.

Want to add a CRM, new office phones with fancy features, or internal collaboration tools to your setup? Consider a business phone system upgrade at the same time.

3) Limited scalability

Is your company growing fast and/or expanding to new locations? Is it complicated and expensive for you to add new phone lines and/or open new offices?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, you’re ready for a new business phone system. It makes no sense to hold onto a phone system that delays your growth or prevents it altogether.

VoIP scales with your business as it grows and expands. Adding new phone lines and users can be done with a few clicks. You can also add calling features to accommodate busier seasons. You won’t get this scalability and flexibility with legacy systems.

Reasons to get a VoIP number

4) Lack of features

You might be completely satisfied with the functionalities of your current phone system. After all, it’s all about making and receiving phone calls, and that works just fine, right? Think again.

Features that come with cloud telephony can take everyone’s productivity to the next level. It’s not just about the phone calls themselves, but also about everything that happens around them. Here are some questions you can ask yourself about your current business communication processes:

If these questions showed you that you could have much more efficient workflows, you need new features. Upgrading your phone system will give you access to call routing, auto-attendant, call recording, voicemail-to-text, and many other features that will transform the way you communicate.

VoIP features

5) Vulnerability to outages

If your phone system is down, can you keep on working? Can your customers still get what they need from you easily? If your answer is ‘no,’ it means that every phone system outage creates frustration for your customers and brings your sales (and cash flow) to a halt.

Natural disasters like floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes, outdated infrastructure, and aging equipment can all throw your traditional phone system out of the game.

Outages are expensive not just to physically fix, but also because they can lead to lost sales and even damage your reputation in the long run. When you upgrade your phone system, here’s how you’re protected from these risks:

VoIP offers a level of disaster recovery capabilities that a legacy phone system can’t match. And with a provider like Nextiva, you’ll have a 99.999% uptime thanks to our multiple data centers, backup generators, and 24/7 monitoring.

Nextiva network

6) Security concerns

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, security is never trivial. If you’re using a traditional phone system, also known as the Plain Old Telephone System (POTS), your calls are transmitted using audio signals that attackers can easily intercept — too big of a risk to take.

VoIP phone systems, on another hand, offer higher security, reliability, and privacy to businesses. Respected VoIP providers invest in military-grade security using Session Border Controllers (SBCs).

SBCs act as firewalls that maintain performance and logical call routing, so your data never ends up in the wrong hands. Depending on your industry, you may also need to look for these accreditations in your VoIP provider:

Cloud phone systems meet the strictest security standards. Don’t make your phone system security and afterthought and wait until it’s too late. 

7) Poor call quality and reliability

One of the fastest ways to look unprofessional in front of a customer is through a call that drops or gets choppy. Poor audio quality will force you to repeat yourself, or ask your caller to do so, deal with background noise, and run inefficient conference call meetings. If this is your current reality, it’s time to upgrade to a VoIP solution.

High-quality calls are possible on VoIP thanks to HD voice codecs that compress and decompress audio for rapid transmission over the internet. This technology works smoothly through VoIP phones and softphone apps.

Nextiva softphone app

Advancements in voice quality on VoIP will make you feel as if you’re in the same room as your caller. The best part?

Once you have a cloud phone system, a compatible VoIP desk phone or a mobile phone app, and sufficient bandwidth, you don’t have to do anything to experience HD voice. Simply get your phone service provider to make sure HD voice is enabled for your account.

8) Limited support for remote work

More than 38% of companies today have remote employees. Is your company one of them? If not, what’s holding you back? Chances are that the answer is along the lines of “We just don’t know how to make it happen with our current phone system.”

If your employees make and receive lots of calls and collaborate often, this is a reasonable challenge. If you want to add a phone line that isn’t connected to an office phone, your legacy phone system will hold you back. If an employee is moving locations, they can’t just easily move their phone number with them.

VoIP phone system setup for an employee working from home.
Employees can access the VoIP phone system from their home network.

With VoIP, your employees can be more mobile and flexible. When you move your phone system to the cloud, your employees don’t need to be connected to the same network of physical phone lines. They can take their phone number and all their phone features home with them through a softphone or a VoIP desk phone.

This upgrade will keep your entire workforce connected while housing all your communications on a single phone system that’s easy to manage. Your remote teams can stay organized, focused, and flexible in their workday.

9) Lack of unified communication

Another downside of a traditional phone system is that it exists outside of your other business communication systems. If you use anything other than phone calls and voicemail — including email, chat, text messages, and web, audio, and video conference calls — you can’t integrate your phones with the rest.

Unified communications bring all of your communication channels together. It streamlines both your internal and external communication. Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) is a unified communications model that lets you run all your systems and tools from the same software solution.

Unified communications

UCaaS for your internal communication means you’re bringing your meetings, calls, file sharing, chat, tasks, and all internal collaboration into one place and accessible from anywhere. It also drives customer retention and loyalty because it lets your customers choose the channel they can contact you through so you can serve them better.

If someone contacts you through email, phone, or website chat, UCaaS makes it possible to track all of these interactions in one place. The result? Ultimate connectivity. You’ll get to work with hyper-focused teams and provide exceptional customer service to your customers, all from one place. 

10) Inability to meet critical business needs

Here’s a final question for you: on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is your phone system for your business success? If you use it to provide customer service, delight your customers, talk to prospects, close sales, and collaborate with coworkers, you’re pretty close to 10.

In other words, your business phone system is what makes or breaks your productivity, your customer loyalty, and your chance to bring in new revenue. If you can’t work without your phone system, you need one you can rely on in every circumstance.

And if the one you currently have doesn’t give you that, it’s time for an upgrade.

Benefits of an Upgraded Business Phone System

A modern phone system is an investment that pays off in multiple ways:

How To Upgrade Your Business Phone System

Upgrading your business phone system is a significant decision, and choosing the right option depends on several factors. Here’s a breakdown of key things to consider before adopting a better phone system:

1) Cloud-based vs. on-premises

Cloud-based phone systems offer a pay-as-you-go model with lower upfront costs. They’re highly scalable, require minimal IT maintenance, and work for businesses of all sizes.

The VoIP service provider manages the Private Branch Exchange (PBX) hardware and software in the cloud, eliminating the need for on-site equipment. However, you relinquish some control over the system and rely on a strong internet connection.

On-premise or a traditional PBX provides better control over the hardware and software of the PBX system. It might be preferable for businesses with strict security requirements or unreliable internet access. However, on-premise systems require significant upfront investment and ongoing IT expertise for maintenance and upgrades.

Choosing a cloud VoIP system any day offers far more benefits than on-premises.

Here’s a quick cost comparison for traditional vs. VoIP phone systems

FeatureTraditional Phone SystemVoIP Phone System
Initial Hardware CostsHigh (Phones, servers, wiring)Lower (VoIP phones or softphone apps)
Monthly CostsPer-line charges, long-distance fees, maintenanceFlat monthly fee per user
ScalabilityDifficult and expensive to add linesEasy to add users and features
MaintenanceRequires on-site IT supportManaged by the VoIP provider

2) Features & functionalities

Don’t get bogged down by every bell and whistle. Identify the features that are most crucial for your business. Here are some popular options to consider:

Nextiva voip service

3) Scalability & budget

Think about your future growth plans. Choose a business phone system that can easily accommodate an increase in users or locations without requiring a major overhaul. Cloud-based phone systems typically excel in scalability.

Also, determine your budget for the new phone system. Cloud-based systems often have predictable monthly subscription fees, while on-premise solutions require upfront hardware and software costs. Compare pricing models from different providers, including per-user fees and bundled plans.

4) Needs assessment

Before diving in, take a step back and analyze your current system. Identify your communication pain points and determine the specific features and functionalities you need in a new system.

Research different phone system providers and compare their offerings. Look for providers with a good reputation, reliable customer support, and features that align with your needs and budget. Don’t hesitate to request demos and trials to get a feel for the system before making a decision.

5) System installation & training

Once you’ve chosen a provider, ensure a smooth implementation with professional installation. Reputable vendors like Nextiva offer comprehensive training to ensure your team can use the new VoIP system’s full potential. This minimizes disruption and maximizes user adoption.

You Deserve a Better Business Phone System

It’s time to get a new phone system — one that gives you the flexibility, scalability, pricing, features, and reliability to support your needs and growth.

That’s exactly what you’ll get with Nextiva’s small business VoIP system. It lets you work from anywhere, adjust your phone service as your business changes, and stay connected with your customers, employees, and partners. Once you upgrade your business phone system, you’ll never look back.

Choose the right business phone system for you. It's free.

Get your business phone, messages, video meetings, contact management and notes–integrated in ONE powerful app. FREE.


Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell was a growth marketer at Nextiva. He combines his skills in content marketing, SEO, data analysis, and marketing strategy to meet audiences in their journey. He has helped scale SaaS brands like G2 and Sphere Software and contributed to G2's traffic growth. You can find him tweeting about e-commerce, sports, gaming, and business.

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10 VoIP Blogs To Bookmark in 2024 (News, Trends, & More)

July 19, 2024 8 min read

Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell

VoIP flipped the script on business calls. What started as a tech novelty and a shift from traditional landlines is now a must-have for companies big and small.

A 2023 Gartner report predicts that 50% of enterprises will have transitioned to cloud-based communications (including VoIP solutions) by 2028. It’s only time that businesses stay abreast of this emerging communications trend to drive better customer experiences and business growth.

But where do you begin? With countless VoIP resources out there, finding the best insights can be tough. We’ve rounded up the top 10 VoIP blogs for 2024. Whether you’re a VoIP newbie or a seasoned user, these blogs are your go-to for news, tips, and expert advice.

VoIP at a Glance

Before diving into specific blogs, let’s briefly look at VoIP. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has matured significantly in recent years, transmitting quality calls over the internet rather than slow traditional landlines and offering a wide range of features and benefits, including:

Now let’s get to the top blogs that inform you on building VoIP strategy, staying more productive with streamlined communication tools, connecting with your team and clients seamlessly, and more. They cover:

Top 10 VoIP Blogs To Follow in 2024

Here are some of the leading VoIP blogs that provide valuable information, news, and analysis for businesses and technology readers:

Let’s look at each more closely:

1) Nextiva

Blog categories: Business communications, unified communications, VoIP technology, customer experience, leadership, marketing, sales, and productivity.

While Nextiva is a VoIP provider, our blog offers a wealth of knowledge beyond our own products. We cover an array of topics, including industry trends, best practices, and how-to guides. Our focus on customer experience and business growth makes the Nextiva blog a valuable resource for anyone looking to optimize their VoIP strategy.

Nextiva blog snapshot

Key publications:

Who is the Nextiva blog right for? Businesses of all sizes looking to improve their communications, customer experience, and business operations. Nextiva’s blog caters to a broad audience including:

Strengths: Comprehensive coverage of VoIP topics, practical advice, and alignment with Nextiva’s customer-centric approach.

Industry recognition: Nextiva has been recognized as a leader in the VoIP and contact center space, including being named the #1 Business Phone System by U.S. News & World Report. Our blog provides insights into the innovations that have earned us these accolades.

Must-read post: Ready for VoIP? Advantages and Disadvantages To Make the Right Choice

2) GetVoIP

Blog categories: VoIP and unified communications, cloud computing, web services, and business insights and tips.

GetVoIP is a dedicated VoIP resource that provides news, reviews, and comparisons of various VoIP services. Their blog is a great starting point for businesses looking to research and select a VoIP provider.

GetVoIP blog snapshot

Ideal for: Business owners and IT professionals looking to implement or upgrade their VoIP systems.

Strengths: Comparison of different VoIP services informs businesses when selecting a provider.

Must-read post: Best Business VoIP Providers – Expert Guide 2024

3) No Jitter

Blog categories: Enterprise communications, collaboration, and VoIP (with a focus on large-scale deployments).

No Jitter is a leading industry publication focused on enterprise communications and collaboration. Their coverage extends beyond VoIP, but they offer analysis and expert opinions on VoIP trends and technologies.

No jitter blog snapshot

Key publications:

Ideal for: Enterprise IT leaders, CIOs, and technology decision-makers in large corporations.

Strengths: Specifically targeted toward large-scale deployments.

Must-read post: What Trends Will Dominate the UCaaS Market in 2024?

4) UC Today

Blog categories: Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and VoIP.

While primarily focused on UCaaS, UC Today covers VoIP extensively. Their blog offers news, analysis, and insights into business communications. In addition to blog posts, you’ll find podcasts and videos too.

UC today snapshot

Key publications:

Ideal for: IT professionals, business leaders, and anyone interested in staying up-to-date with unified communications trends.

Strengths: Offers a multimedia approach with written content, podcasts, and video interviews, catering to different learning preferences.

Must-read post: UC All-Stars: Leaders Name Their Biggest Challenges of 2024

5) CRN (Computer Reseller News)

Blog categories: IT (with a focus on VoIP and UCaaS), channel partner programs.

CRN is a long-standing publication that has successfully transitioned into the digital age, offering valuable insights into the technology reseller ecosystem.

CRN snapshot

Key publications:

Ideal for: Managed service providers (MSPs) looking to expand their VoIP service offerings.

Strengths: Unique view into the business side of VoIP and UC technologies, including channel programs and partnership opportunities.

Must-read post: Spending On Public Cloud Services To Hit $219B By 2027; IDC’s Top 10 Fastest-Growing Industries

6) Channel Futures (Channel Partners Online)

Blog categories: Channel partner programs, business strategy for communications providers, and IT market trends.

Channel Partners Online focuses on the business aspects of communications technology, with a particular emphasis on distribution channels.

Channel Futures blog

Key publications:

Ideal for: Channel partners, resellers, and businesses looking to expand their reach in the communications market.

Strength: Offers invaluable insights for businesses looking to grow through partnership programs in the communications industry.

Must-read post: Survey: Contact Center Agents Want Generative AI Tools

7) VoIPstudio Blog

Blog categories: Business communications, VoIP technology, system features, integrations, and customer success stories.

VoIPstudio Blog is an extension of VoIPstudio’s services, offering valuable content for businesses considering or using cloud-based phone systems. Their blog focuses on VoIP technology, highlighting the features and benefits of VoIPstudio’s platform but you can also get more general insights on VoIP’s inner workings.

VoIP studio blog

Key publications:

Ideal for: Businesses of all sizes, especially those considering a cloud-based phone system. Existing VoIPstudio users can also find valuable tips and guides on optimizing their experience.

Strengths: Practical guides on using VoIP features and integrations.

Must-read post: Successful PBX to VoIP migration: checklist and case study

8) GigaOm

Blog categories: Technology trends (including VoIP and contact centers), research reports, and market analysis.

GigaOm takes a data-driven approach to analyzing technology trends, including those in the VoIP and contact center space.


Key publications:

Ideal for: Businesses looking for data-driven insights to support their VoIP investment decisions.

Strengths: GigaOm’s content is backed by rigorous research and data analysis, providing readers with well-substantiated insights and predictions.

Must-read post: GigaOm Radar for Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)

9) VoIP Supply (VoIP Insider)

Blog categories: VoIP hardware, troubleshooting, and VoIP industry news.

VoIP Supply’s blog, known as VoIP Insider, caters to the more technically inclined audience in the VoIP space.

VoIP supply blog

Key publications:

Ideal for: IT professionals, VoIP system administrators, and technical decision-makers.

Strengths: Detailed technical information and practical advice for setting up and maintaining VoIP systems.

Must-read post: Did You Know VoIP Phones Enable Businesses to Have a Global Presence with Local Numbers from Different Countries?

10) WPBeginner

Blog categories: WordPress, blogging, online business, SEO, and social media marketing.

While WPBeginner doesn’t exclusively focus on VoIP, they offer helpful guides and tutorials on using popular VoIP solutions with WordPress websites, making them a valuable resource for businesses integrating VoIP with their online presence.

WPBeginner blog

Key publications:

Ideal for: Small business owners, bloggers, and anyone using WordPress who wants to integrate VoIP with their website.

Strengths: Beginner-friendly approach, practical guides for WordPress users.

Must-read post: 10 Best VoIP WordPress Themes in 2024 (Compared)

Wrapping Up

And there you have it, 10 industry-leading VoIP blogs to follow! But if you’re scratching your head and wondering how you’ll find time to follow all 10, allow us to offer a bit of advice:

Start with the Nextiva Blog >>

No, we’re not just tooting our own horn here. After taking a deep dive into these other blogs, we can confidently say our blog offers a comprehensive rundown of different topics to help every aspect of your business, not just VoIP.

So when you subscribe, you’ll gain insight into the latest VoIP trends and learn tips to improve sales, productivity, leadership, marketing, the customer experience, and more.

Our one-stop blog lets you stay up-to-date without wasting time. There are always new posts to read and insider takes you won’t find anywhere else.


Devin Pickell

Devin Pickell was a growth marketer at Nextiva. He combines his skills in content marketing, SEO, data analysis, and marketing strategy to meet audiences in their journey. He has helped scale SaaS brands like G2 and Sphere Software and contributed to G2's traffic growth. You can find him tweeting about e-commerce, sports, gaming, and business.

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July Product Updates

July 19, 2024 3 min read

Tallon Brown

Tallon Brown

Nextiva Contact Center: Automatically set agent to available

Set a timer for each status that will automatically make the agent available again after a certain period of time. 

Under the Status information tab, enter the amount of time in seconds before the agent is automatically set to available in the Time Before Becoming Available (secs) field.

For more information, click here

Nextiva Contact Center: Fallback dial plan

When placing an outbound call and it fails on the first attempt, Nextiva will automatically reattempt using the fallback dial plan.

Under the Dial Plan object, there is a new field called Fallback Dial Plan.

For more information, click here

NextivaONE desktop app: Messaging in Mini View

Introducing messaging in Mini View. Now, you can send and respond to messages while in Mini view.  

To send a new message, click Send a message under messaging at the bottom right, enter the recipient’s name and message, and click Send when ready.

You can also send files and emojis from this window.

For more information, click here.

NextivaONE desktop app: Ringtone preferences

Customize your NextivaONE ringtone by selecting one of our new ringtones—including the option to set no audible ringtone.  

Select My Settings from the top left menu and click Sound & Audio to access your ringtones.

For more information, click here

HIPAA: Voicemail to email

For HIPAA customers, sending voicemail to email is now available. Nextiva has implemented encryption for these messages and attachments to ensure HIPAA-compliant transmissions. Learn more

NextivaONE mobile app: Bulk actions

Now you can delete and mark calls and messages as read in bulk. Tap Edit on the top right and select the messages to mark as read or delete in bulk.

NextivaONE mobile app: Swipe actions for messages

You can now swipe left to delete messages and swipe right to mark messages as read/unread. 

NextivaONE mobile app: Updated active call screen

Our redesigned active call screen enhances user experience with a modern and intuitive interface.

NextivaONE mobile app: Draft preservation

Drafts for text messages and attachments are now preserved within conversations, allowing you to continue your messages seamlessly.

NextivaONE mobile app: Performance improvements

  • pjSIP integration for iOS
    • Transitioning to pjSIP on iOS has significantly reduced call issues, decreasing the occurrence of worst-case calls by over 75%.
  • Enhanced push notifications
    • We’ve reduced failed push notifications by 93%, resulting in more connected calls and fewer missed calls.
  • Optimized API usage
    • We’ve optimized page size, timing, and overall API usage to reduce service load and ensure a faster and more reliable experience.


Tallon Brown

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How to Improve Your Contact Center Workforce Management

July 19, 2024 7 min read

Danny Grainger

Danny Grainger

If you want to improve your contact center workforce management, you should know that the modern customer demands quick and efficient contact center service across multiple channels.

In fact, over half of retail customers with urgent issues prefer phone support, and most call centers aim to answer 80% of calls within 20 seconds. Around 62% of Millennials and 75% of Gen-Z customers prefer self-service options, even when human customer support is available.

With nearly half of users contacting a brand on social media expecting a response within 60 minutes, it’s clear that optimizing your workforce across all channels is vital to meet customer expectations, which is where Contact Center Workforce Management (WFM) comes into play.

Here, we discuss Contact Center WFM in detail, diving into the best ways for you to improve your WFM and deliver outstanding customer experience.

What Is Contact Center Workforce Management?

Contact Center Workforce Management (WFM) is an approach to aligning your staff and resources to meet your business objectives. You do this by optimizing scheduling and performance based on several critical factors to ensure that your contact center runs smoothly and efficiently, such as:

The ultimate goal of Contact Center WFM is to make sure that you have the right number of agents with the right skills available at the right time to handle customer interactions efficiently and effectively. This means striking a balance between meeting customer needs and expectations while also optimizing your workforce to control costs and maximize productivity.

How Contact Center WFM Works

So, how does Contact Center workforce management actually work? Let’s break it down into its key components:


Forecasting is the foundation of successful WFM. It involves analyzing historical data to predict future customer interactions accurately. By examining past call volumes, email inquiries, chat sessions, and other contact types, you can identify patterns and trends that help you anticipate future demand.

Effective forecasting takes into account various factors, such as:

  • Seasonality: Consider how your contact volume fluctuates during different times of the year, such as holidays or peak sales periods.
  • Business changes: Account for any planned promotions, product launches, or other initiatives that may impact customer contacts.
  • External factors: Monitor external events, such as weather conditions or economic changes, that may influence customer behavior.

By creating accurate forecasts, you can ensure that you have the right number of agents available to handle the expected volume of customer interactions.


Once you have your forecasts in place, the next step is to create schedules that optimize your workforce resources. Agent scheduling involves assigning agents to specific shifts and tasks based on their skills, availability, and the anticipated workload.

During your scheduling process, consider the following factors:

  • Agent skills: Identify the specific skills and knowledge required for each type of customer interaction and ensure that the right agents are scheduled for the appropriate tasks. For example, if you have a high volume of technical support inquiries, schedule agents with strong technical knowledge during those peak times. Your WFM team must reflect your customer needs, and WFM software solutions help give you this insight.
  • Availability preferences: Consider agent preferences for shift times, days off, and break periods. When possible, accommodating these preferences can improve agent satisfaction and reduce turnover.
  • Service level agreements (SLAs): Ensure that your schedules align with your SLAs, which define the expected response times and resolution targets for customer interactions. For instance, if your SLA requires 80% of inbound calls to be answered within 20 seconds, your schedules should reflect the necessary staffing levels to meet that goal.
Call center agent turnover - why it matters.

Optimized schedules balance meeting customer needs, optimizing agent workflows, and controlling operational costs.

Intraday Management

Even with the most accurate forecasts and well-planned schedules, unexpected events can disrupt your contact center operations. Intraday management involves monitoring real-time performance and making adjustments as needed to ensure that you meet your bottom-line service level objectives.

Some common intraday management activities include:

  • Monitoring call volume and other key metrics in real-time to identify any deviations from the forecast.
  • Adjusting agent breaks and lunches to ensure adequate coverage during peak periods.
  • Redeploying agents from one channel to another to handle unexpected spikes in volume.
  • Offering voluntary time off or overtime to agents based on real-time staffing needs.

By proactively managing your contact center operations throughout the day, you can maintain a high level of service quality and responsiveness while also meeting employee satisfaction goals.

Performance Management

Contact Center WFM goes beyond ensuring that the right number of agents are available at the right times. It also involves managing and optimizing agent performance to deliver the best customer experience.

Performance management in a contact center typically includes:

  • Setting clear performance goals and expectations for agents based on their roles and skill levels.
  • Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average handle time, first-call resolution rate, and customer satisfaction scores.
  • Providing regular feedback and coaching to agents to help them develop their skills and improve employee engagement and your employee experience.
  • Identifying top performers among your contact center agents and recognizing their achievements to boost morale and motivation.
  • Implementing training and development programs to enhance agent knowledge and capabilities.

By continuously monitoring and managing agent performance, you can ensure that your contact center consistently delivers high-quality customer service, like Nextiva:


Reporting & analytics

You need access to comprehensive reporting and analytics to make informed decisions and continuously improve your call center workforce management processes. By collecting and analyzing data from various sources, such as your automatic call distributor (ACD), customer relationship management (CRM) system, and quality monitoring tools, you can gain valuable insights into your contact center performance.

Some key areas to focus on in your reporting and analytics include:

  • Forecast accuracy: Compare your forecasted contact volume and handle times to actual results to identify areas for improvement.
  • Schedule adherence: Monitor how well agents adhere to their scheduled shifts and identify any patterns of absenteeism or tardiness.
  • KPI trends: Track key performance metrics over time to identify trends and opportunities for optimization.
  • Customer feedback: Analyze customer satisfaction surveys and other feedback channels to gauge the effectiveness of your WFM strategies in delivering a positive, unified customer experience.

Contact Center vs. Call Center WFM

You may be wondering how Contact Center WFM differs from traditional Call Center WFM. 

While there is some overlap, there are also key differences:

ComponentContact Center WFMCall Center WFM
ScopeEncompasses all customer interaction channels (calls, emails, chats, social media, etc.)Focused solely on managing phone interactions
SchedulingInvolves scheduling agents across multiple skill sets and channelsPrimarily concerned with scheduling call center agents
TechnologyOften requires a unified platform to manage all channels effectivelyMay use standalone tools focused on call management
MetricsTracks a broader range of KPIs across all channelsPrimarily focused on call-related metrics like average handle time

As you can see, Contact Center WFM takes a more holistic view of customer interactions, while Call Center WFM is more narrowly focused.

Benefits of a Unified WFM Solution

So, why should you consider a unified Contact Center WFM solution? There are several key benefits:

Improved efficiency

You can streamline processes and centralize data management by managing all your customer interactions through a single platform. This eliminates the need to toggle between multiple systems and reduces the risk of errors or missed information.

Enhanced visibility

A unified WFM solution provides a bird’s-eye view of your entire contact center operation. You can easily see how all your channels are performing and identify areas for improvement.

Optimized resource allocation

With a unified platform, you can schedule the right agents with the right skills across all channels. This helps optimize your resources and ensures customers receive the best possible service.

Reduced costs

Implementing a unified WFM solution can help reduce costs by eliminating the need for multiple systems and licenses. You can manage your entire operation more efficiently with a single platform.

Improved agent experience

A unified WFM solution provides a consistent omnichannel experience for your agents, regardless of which channel they’re working on. This can help improve agent satisfaction and retention by providing clear expectations and performance management across the board.

Making Contact Center WFM Work for You

As you can see, Contact Center WFM software is a powerful tool for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your customer service operation. By forecasting accurately, scheduling optimally, managing in real-time, and tracking performance, these workforce management tools help ensure you provide the best possible service to your customers.

Implementing a strong WFM strategy can help you:

And with a unified workforce management software like Nextiva’s, you can accomplish all of this and more. Our all-in-one communication solution includes built-in WFM tools to help you optimize your contact center operation. From intuitive scheduling to real-time analytics, Nextiva provides everything you need to manage your workforce effectively.

So why wait? Start optimizing your Contact Center WFM today and see the difference it can make for your business. With the right strategies and tools in place, you can provide exceptional service to your customers while boosting efficiency and reducing costs.

Modernize your team with Nextiva’s Workforce Engagement Management solution: One platform for customer and employee satisfaction.

Related: Mastering Workforce Management in Your Call Center

Better output with WFM.

Unlock your team’s full potential and revolutionize customer experiences with the power of Workforce Engagement Management.


Danny Grainger

Danny Grainger is a seasoned copywriter who specializes in helping brands build awareness and effectively communicate their value to both businesses and clients. With a focus on business marketing, advertising, and SaaS, he has a knack for translating the intrinsic worth of products and services into compelling narratives.

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7 Features Customer Service Software Support Teams Need

July 17, 2024 8 min read

Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby

Businesses of all sizes can benefit from customer service software, which can help facilitate customer interactions, streamline customer service from the support side, and provide invaluable insights to improve the customer experience.

And because every business is unique, it’s important to consider your specific needs when choosing customer service software. In this post, we’ll go over common types of customer support software and how to choose one that’s right for you.

What Is Customer Service Software?

Customer service software is a tool or set of tools designed to help businesses manage and improve their interactions with customers. It includes a variety of different tools — including help desk software and customer experience software — all of which seek to help businesses provide better quality support to their customers.

Common use cases typically involve handling customer inquiries, resolving customer issues, and facilitating customer communication across multiple channels.

Nextiva communications

Functions of Customer Service Software

While multiple types of customer service platforms are available, most tools offer a few core functions.These include the following:

7 Features to Look for When Choosing Customer Service Software

When choosing customer support software, it’s essential to look for a solution that aligns with your exact needs, provides a strong experience for your customer support agents and customers, and meets the key criteria below.

1. Business size and needs

When assessing customer service solutions, it’s important to choose a platform that can accommodate both your current and future business.

Ensure the software can grow with your business, offering advanced features that you may need later and the option to handle increased customer volume and additional agents.

Look for a customizable solution that allows you to adapt the product to fit your workflows and processes.

2. Integration capabilities

Your new customer support software should integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack, including your customer relationship management (CRM) platform, enterprise resource planning platform, and other essential business systems to ensure a smooth flow of information.

Consider the ease of integrating with third-party apps that your business already uses, including marketing automation tools and e-commerce platforms.

Nextiva integrations

Remember that some platforms will offer set integrations, and some may offer standard integrations while also allowing customers to use their API for custom data syncing and workflow processes with tools that aren’t yet supported.

3. User experience

You want your customer service solution to be exceptionally easy to use for everyone involved. The interface should be intuitive and easy for agents and customers, minimizing the learning curve. Agents will be able to address customer queries effortlessly, and customers will get support faster.

Because onboarding can be a big undertaking, even with an intuitive tool, assessing the quality of training resources and customer support offered by the software vendor is essential. You want to ensure that your entire team can become proficient quickly.

4. Functionality

Functionality is essential when choosing a customer service platform. While many platforms may have similar features, the devil is in the details.

Core features should include ticketing, reporting and analytics, streamlined communication, and knowledge base tools.

Depending on your business needs, you may also opt for more advanced features like AI-driven chatbots, advanced analytics, and mobile support.

We strongly recommend making a list of tools that your customer support team needs and features that they may benefit from. Be proactive and consider what you need both now and in the future so you can choose a provider that can scale up in functionality and volume if needed.

5. Cost

Cost can be a make-it-or-break-it factor for many businesses when choosing any kind of software. There are a few factors to consider here:

  • Pricing model: Understand the pricing structure and ensure it aligns with your budget. Popular pricing structures may include subscription-based, per-user, or per-feature pricing.
  • Pricing for needed features: When comparing different providers, look at what’s included in their pricing. Ensure you’ll be able to access the features you need, and at the scale you need, at a price point in your budget.
  • Total cost of ownership: Consider the initial price and any additional expenses related to training, implementation, and ongoing maintenance. For example, some platforms may have a one-time activation or setup fee or require one-time purchases for add-on features.

Some platforms may have confusing pricing. Assessing customer reviews on websites like G2 or Capterra can easily reveal if a company’s pricing isn’t transparent.

6. Security and compliance

A critical part of customer service management is security and compliance, even if it’s sometimes overlooked. This typically includes two key components.

The first is data protection. You want to ensure that the software you choose adheres to industry data security and customer privacy standards. There should be features in place designed to protect sensitive customer information.

Illustrated man having security issues

You also want to check that your software complies with all relevant federal, local, and industry regulations and standards. Examples may include GDPR for businesses with European customers or HIPAA for businesses in the healthcare industry.

7. Customer reviews and vendor reputation

While you should seek detailed, up-to-date information from the provider regarding current features and pricing, you should also consider customer reviews.

Look for reviews and testimonials from other businesses in your industry to gauge the software’s functionality, reliability, usability, and performance. A provider may assure you that onboarding is easy, but customer reviews will be more truthful about the learning curve and onboarding processes.

Assess the vendor’s track record, looking at their historical performance, customer base, and overall reputation on the market. Ideally, look for reviews within the past year; a lot can change quickly for software businesses.

Nextiva contact center 5 star review

6 Popular Customer Service Software Solutions

Looking for a new cloud-based customer service solution for your business? Let’s discuss some of the best customer service software options in 2024.

1. Nextiva

Nextiva provides a comprehensive suite of communication tools for a unified customer experience, creating an all-in-one solution for businesses of all sizes. It offers a flexible and scalable contact center solution that prioritizes a 360-degree customer view for personalized support experiences.

NextivaONE - Business Communication Platform with 10DLC Support

Key features include:

  • CRM integrations
  • Omnichannel support
  • Conversational AI
  • Customer conversation history
  • Smart chatbots
  • Automated outbound campaign functionality
  • Auto-transcription for agent calls
  • Customizable interaction scripting
  • Intelligent ticket routing to connect customers to the agent best suited to help them
  • Advanced analytics for small to large businesses

Nextiva offers options for small businesses and customer service call centers, allowing you to scale up and down significantly over time as needed.  The company also has transparent pricing, dedicated customer support, and exceptional reliability.

2. Zendesk

Zendesk is known for its robust ticketing system and comprehensive analytics. It’s a popular help desk software solution that can streamline customer support ticket resolution.


It offers the following features:

  • Live chat support software
  • Self-service portal and knowledge base
  • AI-based customer resolution features
  • Personalized messaging
  • Pre-built analytics dashboards

Zendesk also has a sales product, and existing customers should note that both products must be purchased separately.

3. Freshdesk

Freshwork’s Freshdesk offers a user-friendly interface and streamlines repetitive tasks using customer service automation.


Key features include:

  • A unified workspace
  • Self-service customer portals for FAQs
  • AI-powered automations and workflows
  • Machine-learning insights
  • No-code bots

4. Salesforce Service Cloud

Salesforce’s Service Cloud is a popular customer support tool for existing Salesforce customers. It integrates seamlessly with the company’s other products, and it provides advanced AI features.


Some standout features include:

  • Intelligent omnichannel routing
  • Einstein bots to assist waiting customers
  • Generative AI-powered replies
  • A straightforward knowledge base
  • “Swarm” in Slack for improved team collaboration

5. HubSpot Service Hub

HubSpot’s Service Hub — like Salesforce’s — is a great choice for the company’s existing customers. It integrates well with HubSpot’s marketing, sales, and operations hubs, making it easy for customers to create a unified experience.


Some key features of HubSpot’s Service Hub include:

  • Ticketing
  • Team email, with email templates
  • Live chat and phone support
  • Ticket creation bots
  • Meeting scheduling

6. Zoho Desk

Last but not least, we have Zoho Desk, which integrates seamlessly with Zoho’s CRM. Its customer support system makes heavy use of generative and automation-driven AI.

Zoho Desk

Key features include the following:

  • Omnichannel support
  • Self-service portals
  • Guided conversations
  • Service level agreements
  • Ticket prioritization systems
  • Advanced reply editors and AI-generative responses

Customer Service Teams Love Nextiva

If you’re looking for the right customer service software for your business, take a close look at your existing customer experience. What are you doing well? Where are things falling short? How could your agents be better supported to assist your customers better?

Make a list of all the key features you need and the ones you’d like. These features should help improve customer interactions by offering more personalized conversations, cross-platform support, and streamlined resolution times.

Contact centers that field customer service interactions should look closely at Nextiva’s contact center software, which is designed to facilitate customer communication, boost team collaboration, and improve the overall customer experience.

Related: How Social Media Customer Service Platforms Help Your Business

CX software service done right.

Organize business communications for your customers, vendors, and teams.


Jeremiah Zerby

Jeremiah Zerby is a marketing specialist at Nextiva. He spent three years on the front lines of technical support, troubleshooting internet and VoIP topics. He moved forward into the technical writing and content creation space. He’s helped set up hundreds of businesses and advised thousands of people with their cloud communications.

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Customer success isn’t just about helping customers when things go wrong. It’s about ensuring they get the most out of what you offer and become real brand advocates.

When customers win, you win. That’s why building a strong customer success process is so important — understanding your customers, building great relationships, and being there for them at every step.

Everyone benefits when you focus on your customers’ goals and find ways to help them succeed. Let’s see how.

What Is Customer Success?

Customer success is a methodology that maximizes the value customers derive from a product or service. It’s a proactive approach to identifying customer needs, addressing pain points, and building long-term relationships.

Unlike customer support, which is reactive, customer success is proactive and focuses on prevention rather than cure. Also, unlike a customer lifecycle covering all aspects of a customer journey, customer success is narrowly focused on retention and advocacy.

Here’s a more granular overview of a customer success process:

Illustrated example of customer success loops/cycles.
A visual representation showing where customer success fits in the buying cycle. (Source: Superoffice)

Why Do You Need a Customer Success Process?

A customer success plan is essential for building long-term, profitable customer relationships. It ensures your customers achieve their goals while driving growth for your business.

Here’s why:

A well-planned and clear customer success process benefits both customer experience and your bottom line.

How To Build a Customer Success Process

Creating a customer success process flow requires careful planning and execution. Here’s how you can get started.

1. Define your goals and customers

Understanding your customers’ definition of success is paramount. Identify the desired outcomes they hope to achieve through your product or service.

If you’re a marketing automation platform like HubSpot, customer success might mean generating more qualified leads, increasing conversion rates, or improving campaign ROI.

Also, align your customers’ goals with your company’s objectives. For example, if revenue growth is a priority, customer success strategies might focus on upselling or cross-selling opportunities.

To measure progress effectively, select key metrics that accurately reflect both customer satisfaction and business performance.

For a SaaS company, metrics like customer satisfaction (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), customer lifetime value (CLTV), feature adoption rate, and churn rate can provide valuable insights into customer sentiment, product usage, and business health.

Don’t forget to segment your customers. Segmenting your customer base based on factors like industry, company size, or purchasing behavior enables a more tailored approach to customer success. A CRM platform can easily segment customers by company size (small business, enterprise), industry (tech, healthcare), or use case (sales, marketing).

Recognizing the distinct needs of different customer segments allows for focused strategies and improved customer satisfaction.

A screenshot from Gartner showing customer service and support leaders most important priorities for achieving goals

2. Map the customer journey and build your team

Visualize the customer’s experience from initial awareness to long-term advocacy. Identifying key touchpoints, pain points, and moments of truth enables you to pinpoint areas where the customer success team can optimize the customer experience and mitigate potential challenges.

To effectively support customers throughout their journey, assemble a customer success team with diverse skill sets. Let’s explore different team structures and when to use each:

When building your team, prioritize individuals with strong interpersonal and problem-solving abilities, coupled with empathy and in-depth product knowledge. The capacity to build rapport and effective communication are fundamental for building trust and long-term customer relationships.

3. Use technology and create playbooks

Invest in customer success platforms equipped with functionalities such as customer health scoring, case management, knowledge bases, and analytics. These proactively identify at-risk customers, streamline support processes, and extract valuable customer insights.

Customer service tools like Nextiva come packed with automation and intelligent AI features to automate the gruntwork and free up your team to focus on value-adding tasks.

AI customer service tools

Data-driven decision-making is also essential. Use customer analytics to better understand customer behavior, product usage patterns, and customer satisfaction. These insights help optimize customer success strategies and effectively allocate business resources.

To standardize processes, develop comprehensive playbooks outlining procedures for common customer interactions, such as onboarding, renewals, and troubleshooting. Playbooks empower the customer success team with best practices and ensure a consistent customer experience.

4. Implement, monitor, and improve

Communicate the new process to your team. Provide thorough training to ensure everyone understands and adopts your processes.

Next, establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. These metrics will help you track progress toward your customer success goals.

Improvement is an ongoing process. Regularly review your customer success metrics to identify trends and areas that need enhancement.

Collect feedback from both customers and employees — they often have valuable insights into what’s working well and what could be better. Use this information to make informed adjustments to your strategy.

Customer feedback

5. Build a strong company culture

Add company culture to the mix.

Zappos, an American online shoe and clothing retailer, is a great example to learn from. They’ve made customer happiness a core value of their organization. They invest significantly in employee training and allow their customer success representatives to go above and beyond in resolving issues.

Incorporate a customer-first mindset into your company culture to see similar benefits. Your employees will be more engaged, and customers will appreciate the extra effort.

Customer needs and market conditions change over time, so be prepared to adapt your strategy as necessary. Stay responsive to the changes and keep your customer success efforts effective and relevant.

A snapshot of company culture from Zappos
Via Zappos

How To Measure Your Customer Success Performance

Measuring customer success helps gauge customer loyalty, satisfaction, and the likelihood that they recommend your product or service, so you can make improvements and grow your business. Let’s start with the key metrics you need to track.

Key customer success metrics

To measure customer success, you’ll want to keep an eye on these key metrics:

best cx metrics

To really understand your customers, start by asking them what they think. Send out surveys, chat with them directly, or just ask for feedback. Then, keep a close eye on those numbers we talked about earlier — NPS, CSAT, and the rest.

Figure out what makes your customers tick. Divide them into groups based on what they need and how they act. Decide what it means to create successful customers who’re delighted with your product.

Look for customer success tools that can help you keep track of all this information and find patterns.

Once you have a good picture of your customers, use what you learn to make things better. Improve your products, how you treat customers, and their experience.

It’s important to see the big picture too. Figure out how your customer’s journey goes from start to finish. Make sure your support team is fast and helpful. And always look for ways to improve your product based on how people use it.

Customer success isn’t a one-and-done deal. Keep checking those numbers and making adjustments as you go. The goal is to keep your customers happy and coming back for more.

Building a Customer Success Strategy

Take your customer success process and weave it into your entire business approach. Here’s how to club a customer success process with your larger strategy:

📝 Develop a robust customer onboarding process

Onboarding is your customer’s first experience of your product or service, so it’s crucial to make it count. A smooth onboarding process sets the tone for the entire customer relationship. It’s not just about showing them how to use your product but helping them see the value right from the start.

Consider creating a personalized onboarding plan for each customer, based on their specific needs and goals. This might include one-on-one sessions, video tutorials, or interactive guides. The key is to make the process as frictionless as possible, so customers can start seeing results quickly.

Here’s an example of a quick video from Nextiva for its customers to quickly overview the platform.

📚 Educate customers

This goes beyond just onboarding. It’s an ongoing process that helps customers continue to get value from your product over time. This could involve creating a knowledge base, hosting regular webinars, or sending out tip-filled newsletters. The goal is to empower your customers to become product experts in their own right.

Also, reach out to customers where they prefer (via call, social media, email, or messaging)

Think about creating different educational tracks for different types of users or use cases. Some customers might want deep dives into advanced features, while others might prefer quick tips and tricks. Offer a variety of educational resources to cater to different learning styles and needs.

🤝 Nurture customer relationships

This is where the “success” in customer success first appears. Regular, personalized communication goes beyond solving problems. Understanding your customers’ evolving needs and goals and showing them how your product can help them achieve those goals.

Conduct regular check-ins, send relevant industry insights, and celebrate their milestones with them. The key is to make each customer feel valued and understood. Businesses aren’t just competing on product features — they’re competing on customer relationships.

☎️ Offer excellent customer support

Support is the safety net of your customer success strategy. When issues arise (and they will), your customer success team needs to be ready to swoop in with timely and effective solutions. Great support turns potentially negative experiences into positive ones.

Consider implementing a tiered support system, where more complex issues can be escalated to specialized CS team members via support tickets. Also, think about proactive support like reaching out to customers when you notice they haven’t been using certain features, or when you’ve released updates that might affect their workflow.

Customer service

❌ Prevent customer churn

You need to stay one step ahead of potential issues that cause a customer to leave. Use data and analytics to identify warning signs like decreased product usage, low customer engagement with your communications, or poor satisfaction scores.

Once you’ve identified at-risk customers, have a plan in place to re-engage them. Reach out with personalized offers, provide additional training, or adjust their service plan to better meet their needs. Retaining existing customers is any day less hectic than acquiring new customers and saves on customer acquisition costs.

Integrating these elements into your customer success strategy will help you to create a comprehensive customer success process that supports customers at every stage of their journey with your product.

Customer Success Best Practices

Successful companies share similar approaches to keeping customers happy and loyal. Let’s break down what they do and the best practices you can follow.

Implementing a customer success program isn’t without its challenges. Pain points like limited budgets and staff, reluctance to engage with customer success, and data quality issues can frequently crop up. However, with the right strategies, you can easily overcome these hurdles.

The Future of Customer Success Is Automated

Customer success is growing rapidly, with automation and advanced customer service tools reshaping business-customer interactions. Here’s how:

While automation offers significant benefits, human expertise remains crucial. The future of customer success lies in balancing technology with the human touch, creating efficient yet personalized experiences that foster long-term customer loyalty.

Making Customer Success Count

Executing your customer success strategy begins with the right tools. Give every team member access to real-time account intelligence. A unified customer support platform like Nextiva can make this dream a reality, offering in-app customer success software, from a single unified platform.

Coach your support team on driving these numbers with the right behaviors. Shortcuts and gimmicks don’t scale. Stay attuned to customer needs, especially as the industry moves around you. With the right customer success process, you’ll build a more sustainable, profitable business.

See how Rack Attack upped their customer success process with Nextiva as their business phone system, supporting 40+ locations in North America.

👉 Read the full story here.


Joe Manna

Joe Manna was a senior content marketing manager at Nextiva. He blends his marketing acumen and deep technical background to improve people's lives with technology. His expertise helps companies large and small serve more customers. He enjoys a rich iced latte and a non-fiction business book when he's not pressing words.

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The Buyer’s Guide to Virtual Contact Centers

July 16, 2024 7 min read

Alex Doan

Alex Doan

Virtual contact centers (VCCs) are fast becoming the preferred setup for distributed teams looking to efficiently scale their contact center operations. They are cheaper to run and easier to scale, allowing you to deliver a consistent experience to a global customer base.

Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, this guide will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision when selecting VCC software for your organization.

What Is a Virtual Contact Center?

Virtual contact centers (VCC) are cloud-based customer interaction hubs that can be accessed from any location with an internet connection. They allow agents to handle inquiries and provide support remotely instead of working from a central, on-premises location — offering ultimate flexibility for your contact center operations.

Using VoIP telephony, virtual contact centers empower agents to make calls via their broadband connection instead of a landline service. They also centralize your external communication channels — including phone calls, SMSs, emails, and social media platforms — allowing you to coordinate customer interactions in one place.

Benefits of VoIP

Common VCC use cases

Virtual contact centers are useful for many aspects of your organization, including:

Noteworthy Features of a Virtual Contact Centers

Good virtual contact center software offers the following capabilities:

1. Automatic call distribution

A VCC efficiently manages incoming calls by routing them to the best-fit agent based on skill set, call priority, or other predefined criteria.

Automatic call distribution reduces call wait times, making each interaction more effective and ensuring customers receive timely and appropriate support. All these factors result in better customer experiences and a more efficient contact center.

2. Interactive voice response

VCC software uses interactive voice response (IVR) self-service systems to streamline call flows, reduce call handling times, and make agents more productive.

IVR is a computerized phone system that recognizes and responds to voice or keypad inputs. When the system receives an inbound call, it prompts the customer to take specific actions through keypad inputs like “Press ‘1’ for payment issues.”

Sometimes, the IVR will provide automated responses to frequently asked questions. If the call requires a human response, the system automatically routes it to the appropriate department or call center agent.


3. Omnichannel communication

A VCC syncs all your customer communication channels into a central hub, allowing contact center agents to seamlessly handle customer inquiries across different channels from a single interface.

Omnichannel engagement unifies the customer experience regardless of where, when, or how customers interact with your business. For example, let’s say a customer kicked off a conversation on social media and placed a phone call after a few hours. They won’t have to repeat what they already shared on social media because you can track the entire conversation with your VCC software.


4. Call recording and monitoring

VCCs record and monitor calls to accurately track all customer conversations.

Call center managers can use this data to train new agents, evaluate customer interactions for quality assurance, and resolve disputes. Real-time call monitoring also helps supervisors provide immediate support to virtual agents and comply with organizational and regulatory standards.

5. Real-time reporting and analytics

A VCC platform provides real-time insights into key metrics, such as agent performance, call volume, and customer satisfaction. Access to real-time data enables managers to make informed decisions quickly and respond to trends and issues as they arise.

Real-time call center analytics

For example, let’s say you notice a lot of inbound calls for payment disputes in the afternoons. In that case, you can assign more virtual agents to that section to provide additional bandwidth for high-volume call times.

What Are the Benefits of a Virtual Contact Center?

Switching to a VCC can:

1. Reduce your operational costs

Running a physical contact center is very expensive. Apart from the cost of renting office space, you have to spend money on installing equipment and other maintenance costs. With a distributed organization, these costs can quickly rack up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A virtual contact center eliminates all the overhead expenses of a traditional call center, reducing operational costs. You can then invest this money into other strategic initiatives, such as employee well-being packages or customer acquisition campaigns.

2. Help you scale efficiently

Agents can work from anywhere, allowing you to hire from a wider talent pool and quickly scale your team up or down. You can easily leverage a pool of remote agents to handle call volume spikes without the delays associated with hiring and training new staff for an on-site contact center.

3. Improve customer satisfaction

VCCs enable you to provide round-the-clock support, reducing customer wait times. You can tap into different time zones and language skills, provide 24/7 customer service, and expand service capabilities without the need for multiple physical locations.

For example, let’s say you’re a U.S. company with customers in the APAC region. Instead of setting up a physical office, you can hire support agents in the APAC time zone to support these customers via your VCC.

4. Boost agent productivity

VCCs provide remote employees with the tools they need to work efficiently and productively. For example, VCCs use automatic call routing to assign inbound calls to the best-fit agent, reducing idle time and improving resolution rates.

Implementing a VCC also allows for more flexible working hours. Agents can work when they feel most productive, boosting efficiency and output.

How to Create a Virtual Contact Center

Setting up a virtual contact center is about more than selecting a VCC provider. Sure, that’s very important, but you also need to do some groundwork to help you make the right decision.

1. Identify your business needs

First, you must know the exact problems a VCC will solve for your organization. That way, you don’t waste money and resources on an investment with zero business value.

Review your current contact center setup to identify operational gaps. Then, speak with contact center agents to learn more about their current struggles on the job.

You should also review the business outlook to see where the organization is headed. For example, if the business plans to expand to a new region, a VCC is a good investment, as it allows you to scale your operations to support incoming customers.

Next, create a VCC wish list based on all the information from your research. Write down the number of agents and channels it will support, plus other must-have features that are key to your contact center operations.

2. Research VCC providers

Vet VCC providers based on your wish list. Pay particular attention to:

It’s also good practice to read reviews on third-party sites like G2 to learn about other customers’ experiences with the VCC provider.

3. Sign up with a provider

Our advice? Never commit to long-term contracts with a tool you haven’t tested. The only way to confirm that a VCC provider is a good fit is to try things out for yourself.

Most VCC providers offer limited free trials, meaning you can test their platforms without making a significant financial investment. Others, like Nextiva, have detailed demos that show precisely how the software works. If a VCC provider doesn’t have a demo or free trial, it might not be the right choice.

Virtual Contact Center Best Practices

Follow these best practices to make the most out of your VCC:

1. Agent training

Provide agents with the training necessary to use the VCC platform and effectively handle customer interactions.

Most VCC providers have onboarding baked into the software implementation process. But this is hardly enough because it takes time to become proficient in a new system.

Utilize your extensive knowledge base to provide ongoing agent training through group sessions and peer reviews.

2. Performance monitoring

Regularly monitor agent performance and identify areas for improvement. One way to do this is to record real-time agent-customer conversations to see how agents handle these interactions. Then, set up a postmortem to review the call and discuss what the agent can do better next time.

3. Customer satisfaction surveys

Use customer survey software to get feedback from your customers and ensure you’re meeting their expectations. The best way to do this is to administer rating scale surveys at the end of an interaction — like after a phone call — to gather real-time feedback.

Alternatively, you can organize face-to-face customer feedback sessions to gather more qualitative responses. Consider offering incentives to encourage customer participation, and let them know that you appreciate their time.

Take Nextiva’s Virtual Contact Center for a Spin

Nextiva is the preferred VCC software for growing businesses with high support volumes. With its flexible pricing plans and advanced contact center capabilities, Nextiva is the perfect fit for companies looking to efficiently scale their contact center operations.

Your call center solution.

Run your call center in the cloud today and take more customer calls with fewer agents.


Alex Doan

Alex Doan is an experienced senior marketing professional specializing in propelling growth for both B2B and B2C companies. Proficient in streamlining marketing operations for seamless sales transitions, utilizing analytics and consumer insights to achieve measurable outcomes. Committed to enhancing lead and customer experiences through effective journey mapping.

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Businesses looking for customer experience software often find terms like “omnichannel” and “multichannel” being used interchangeably. But what if they represent fundamentally different approaches?

Spoiler alert: They do. 

While both involve interacting with customers across different channels, the way they do so creates vastly different experiences.

Our guide to omnichannel vs. multichannel marketing explains the similarities and differences between the terms so you can understand which strategy best suits your business needs and — more importantly — helps you deliver an exceptional unified customer experience.

What Is Multichannel?

Multichannel marketing is a strategy that utilizes various online and offline channels — like phone, social media, email, website, and text — to reach and boost customer engagement. Each channel operates independently, offering customers a choice of how they interact with the brand.

How multichannel works

Think of multichannel like a department store with different areas for clothes, housewares, games, and electronics. Customers can visit each section independently to find what they need. Customers can engage with your brand through their preferred channel without navigating all the others.

A chart shows multichannel pros and cons

What Is Omnichannel?

Omnichannel is a customer-centric strategy that provides a seamless and unified experience across all channels. This includes online channels (like websites, mobile apps, email, or social media) or offline channels (such as in-store or phone support).

How omnichannel works

Let’s use the department store analogy from earlier. Imagine browsing the online store’s website, seeing a targeted ad on social media based on your interests, and then walking into the physical store where the staff can access your purchase history to offer personalized recommendations. 

Omnichannel integrates these channels to deliver consistent promotions and share customer data across all touchpoints, delivering a personalized and seamless customer experience regardless of where they interact with the brand.

A chart shows omnichannel pros and cons

Key Differences Between Omnichannel and Multichannel

While omnichannel and multichannel marketing strategies allow businesses and customers to connect through various channels, their approaches differ slightly. Here are the key differences between these two strategies.


Omnichannel marketing strategies prioritize the customer’s journey, focusing on delivering a seamless, personalized customer experience across all channels. By prioritizing the customer’s journey and leveraging data for hyper-personalization, omnichannel marketing builds strong relationships and ensures consistency in customer interactions. This approach is ideal for businesses committed to superior customer experiences and service excellence.

Multichannel marketing focuses on utilizing various channels to maximize reach and engagement. This strategy prioritizes volume over personalization, making it a cost-effective way to attract a wide audience and increase brand awareness. 


Omnichannel integrates all relevant channels, creating a cohesive and seamless user experience as they switch between them. This includes fully integrated systems across phone, email, chat, SMS, social media, and other platforms, often supported by cloud architecture to quickly integrate new channels.

Multichannel utilizes several channels independently, without necessarily syncing them for a seamless customer journey. It typically focuses on traditional channels, resulting in silos between different modes of communication, and lacks the integrated approach of omnichannel systems.


Omnichannel creates a smooth and personalized experience by combining all channels, customer history, and data into a consistent, seamless journey. Customers can transition effortlessly between channels, enjoying a cohesive experience.

Multichannel can deliver a disjointed customer experience. This is often because different channels are managed by separate teams — and because the data is siloed, the customer history isn’t updated automatically when switching channels. Interactions happening independently on each channel make it harder for teams to provide consistent customer experiences.



Omnichannel emphasizes collecting and unifying customer data across all channels for a holistic view of the customer journey. This approach provides complete customer history and 360-degree relationship metrics, enabling businesses to predict customer needs and engage proactively across all touchpoints.

Multichannel gathers data separately for each channel, often creating data silos. Metrics are channel-specific, and agents have access only to the customer history within the channel they are handling, which narrows their focus and limits the ability to provide a comprehensive customer experience.


Omnichannel requires integrated technology to ensure seamless data flow between channels and provide real-time personalization. This setup often involves cloud-based communication, CRM integration, APIs to connect various platforms, and analytics tools to track customer behavior across channels. The focus is on user-friendly technology for customers and employees, enabling teams to manage and share customer data, interactions, and context in a centralized location.

Multichannel operates with less complex technology, often using separate platforms for each communication channel, such as customer experience software, email marketing software, or social media management tools. Integration between these channels is limited, making the overall technological setup simpler but less cohesive.


Omnichannel generally involves higher initial costs due to the investment in integrated technology, cloud-based platforms, CRM software, marketing automation tools, and — if needed — integration specialists. However, these upfront expenses can lead to long-term savings and faster ROI by boosting customer satisfaction, loyalty, and conversion rates.

Multichannel has a faster and simpler initial setup, which can result in lower initial costs. This approach typically requires less technology, relying on separate platforms for the website, email marketing, and social media, making it more budget-friendly in the short term.

Multichannel vs. Omnichannel Examples

Check out these examples of multichannel vs. omnichannel in action.

Retail omnichannel vs. multichannel

In a nutshell:

  • Omnichannel retail creates a seamless, customer-centric shopping journey, integrating all channels for a unified experience.
  • Multichannel retail is product-centric, using various channels independently to maximize sales and reach. 

For example, omnichannel offers unified inventory and customer data, enabling real-time stock checks and personalized promotions. Multichannel often has siloed data and inventory, leading to a less cohesive experience. Ultimately, omnichannel strategies enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, while multichannel approaches are easier to implement and broaden brand awareness.

🎂 Nothing Bundt Cakes implemented Nextiva’s VoIP solution across all locations, improving call quality and ensuring consistent customer service experiences. The user-friendly interface and centralized management of Nextiva’s platform provided the opportunity to add website click-to-call functionality and SMS marketing tools, enhancing their omnichannel capabilities for a more streamlined customer journey.

Omnichannel vs. multichannel marketing and sales

Omnichannel emphasizes a unified sales journey and collecting and unifying customer data across all channels. This allows for a holistic view of customer preferences and buying behavior, enabling data-driven marketing and sales strategies. Multichannel uses various channels to broaden and maximize reach and engagement to promote products or services to a wider target audience.

🏀 The San Antonio Spurs use Nextiva’s cloud-based platform to offer fans omnichannel support, ensuring staff can manage calls and social media interactions from any location. This flexibility and scalability enable the Spurs to handle peak call volumes during events while potentially integrating with their ticketing system for personalized customer communications and seamless transitions between service channels.

Omnichannel vs. multichannel in customer support

Customers expect to connect with brands through multiple channels for quick issue resolution. Omnichannel support enhances customer service by providing a seamless experience across integrated channels, allowing customers to switch between messaging, chat, phone, social media, and email without repeating information. 

Cloud-based contact centers with CRM integrations enable agents to access customer data and offer personalized support across various channels. This approach results in an improved customer experience, faster issue resolution, and more personalized support that can help you meet customer service expectations.

💄 Tricoci, a luxury salon, spa, and cosmetics company, leverages Nextiva for enhanced omnichannel experiences by integrating appointment scheduling across online, phone, and social media platforms into a centralized system. 

Omnichannel vs. Multichannel: Which One Should You Pick?

Choosing the omnichannel or multichannel depends on several factors, including business size, budget and resources, and customer journey touchpoints.

A flowchart helps businesses choose between multichannel vs. omnichannel solutions.
  • Business size: Large businesses with a substantial customer base often find omnichannel strategies advantageous for creating personalized experiences and leveraging data insights to enhance customer relationships. In contrast, small businesses might prefer starting with multichannel marketing as it enables broader audience reach with a focused approach and lower initial investment.
  • Budget and resources: Omnichannel strategies necessitate significant resources for technology integration, data management, and possibly hiring customer-centric personnel, whereas multichannel approaches typically require less initial investment, making them more accessible to resource-constrained businesses.
  • Customer journey touchpoints: Omnichannel strategies create a seamless experience for complex customer journeys involving multiple touchpoints, while a multichannel approach using effective channel choices may adequately serve simpler journeys.

The key is understanding your customer journey and prioritizing creating a positive and consistent experience across all touchpoints. As your business grows and resources allow, you can always evolve towards a more omnichannel approach.

Nextiva: Omnichannel Experiences Made Easy

Choosing between omnichannel and multichannel contact centers is easier than you think. Look at your business and consider what you need to deliver top-notch experiences throughout the customer journey.

Nextiva’s customer conversations suite provides an omnichannel experience across voice, video, SMS, live chat, and more, all in one place. And, with a robust integration marketplace, you can customize your platform to meet your business needs. Get started today.

A true end-to-end omnichannel platform.

Connect with your customers where they are and when they want.

Omnichannel vs. Multichannel FAQs

Still have questions? Check out these omnichannel vs. multichannel FAQs to get the information you need.

Which approach is better, omnichannel or multichannel?

Choosing between multichannel vs. omnichannel marketing depends on several factors. Omnichannel is ideal if you have an established customer base with complex journey paths across multiple touchpoints and can invest in technology and personnel. 

Multichannel may be better for small businesses with simpler customer journeys and limited resources, aiming for a fast, low-cost setup. Both approaches aim to improve customer experience and can adapt as your business grows.

How much does it cost to implement omnichannel marketing vs. multichannel marketing

Omnichannel marketing entails higher initial costs due to technology integration and hiring customer-centric data analysis experts. In contrast, multichannel strategies typically involve lower upfront costs to implement channels and basic analytics tools — although training may be necessary for existing teams. 

Despite higher initial costs, the long-term benefits of implementing an omnichannel contact center include improved customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales, resulting in enhanced overall ROI.

How do I create a multichannel vs. omnichannel strategy?

Here’s a roadmap for creating both multichannel and omnichannel strategies:

Define your goals and target audience: Clarify your objectives, like brand awareness, lead generation, sales, or customer support, and identify your target demographics and online behaviors.
Choose your channels: For multichannel, pick effective channels like websites and social media, and with omnichannel, consider all touchpoints, both digital and physical.
Tailor your strategies: Customize your content and messaging for each channel in multichannel. For omnichannel, ensure consistency and seamless transitions between channels.
Implement and analyze: Track individual channel performance in multichannel and integrate data for a unified view in your omnichannel customer service software to analyze and enhance personalized customer experiences.


Ken McMahon

Ken McMahon leads Customer Success for Nextiva. His 25 years of experience leading various aspects of the customer experience including professional services, customer success, customer care, national operations, and sales. Before Nextiva, he held senior leadership roles with TPx, Vonage, and CenturyLink. He lives in Phoenix with his wife and two children.

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