Sales Dialers: Top Tips for High Connect Rates

September 11, 2024 8 min read

Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent

Sales Dialer

You can’t just start using a sales dialer and expect immediate results.

Well, you can. But your expectations will unlikely be met. Instead, spend some time getting to know the quirks of sales dialers, learn some standout key tips, and make it obvious what your teams shouldn’t be doing.

In this guide, we introduce popular dialer features, highlight where dialers are most important, and make it clear what you can and can’t do with them.

Key Functions of a Sales Dialer

Before your team makes its first few calls, it’s important to get to know the functionality available within each type of outbound dialer. This way, you can best set up your organization based on how you work or wish to work.

Predictive dialing

A predictive dialer places calls to multiple numbers simultaneously, aiming to connect agents to a live person as soon as they’re available.

It uses algorithms to forecast when an agent will be done with a call and dials multiple numbers ahead of time. It then routes the next answered call to the agent as soon as they complete their current conversation.

When comparing a predictive dialer vs an auto dialer, we usually see predictive dialers in higher call volume environments, where the focus is on quantity rather than quality.


When creating a predictive dialer campaign, consider maximizing call time and getting the most out of your agents’ availability. The fast-paced nature of the software lends itself to a cutthroat sales team that needs to be ready to handle a new call at a moment’s notice.

Progressive dialing

When an agent becomes available, a progressive dialer initiates the dialing of the next number from your call list. It dials numbers sequentially, providing a balance between automation and manual control.

Unlike predictive dialers that dial while your agent is still on a live call, progressive dialers only dial the following number on the list when your agent has finished the conversation.

This gives your agent more time to review customer information and plan a personalized sales pitch. Progressive dialing is often used in sales and customer service environments where personalized and attentive customer interactions are crucial.


Power dialing

Power dialers start calling the next number as soon as a call ends, minimizing agent idle time. You can set a predetermined time for automating outgoing calls, so it’s not as high-pressure as predictive dialing.

For example, say you need to build in some wrap-up time. In this case, you can configure the power dialer to automatically dial the next phone number on your call list one minute after a conversation ends.

Thanks to their high flexibility, power dialers work best for contact centers with low call volumes and those seeking highly personalized interactions.

Preview dialing

Preview dialing allows for the most time before a call gets connected. In this type of sales dialer, your agent gets to look into the contact information for the next call. When integrated with a sales or customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can prepare agents with information about sales history and any other data you’ve gathered about the customer.

Nextiva all communication dashboard

Call disposition

Following the completion of any call, sales dialer software automatically marks its outcome, taking that responsibility away from agents.

Markers get detected from the call connection type:

  • Answered
  • Went to voicemail or the answering machine
  • Received busy tone

From here, your contact center software can report on different patterns and analyses.

CRM integration

Combining your sales dialer with your CRM means you can sync contact data, call logs, and other information with your CRM.

When using any type of outbound call center software, make it work harder for you by loading it with data about customers and call types. You can make information retrieval more efficient by only having to look at one system rather than spending time searching multiple back-end systems.

Nextiva integrates with the following CRMs:

  • Salesforce
  • Zoho
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • HubSpot
  • Oracle Sales Cloud
  • Bullhorn
  • Workbooks
  • SugarCRM
  • Act! CRM
  • ConnectWise
  • GoldMine

Call recording

In any outbound sales environment, you’ll want to record calls for quality assurance and coaching purposes. You can listen back to or review automatic transcriptions of calls. Keep the recordings in a convenient cloud environment so there’s no need to download them and take up precious storage space.

You may choose to record calls at the dialer level rather than store potentially sensitive data on your VoIP phone system. Separating sales calls from the rest of your business is an option for compliance reasons or personal preference.

speech analytics

Automatic call distribution (ACD)

ACD is a technology used in contact centers to route incoming calls to available agents based on predetermined rules. Combined with an inbound call center, your auto dialer can provide ACD functionality to route calls to available agents based on skill set or availability. 

So, if you want a returned call to get answered by the same agent who initiated the outreach, you can configure the software accordingly. Likewise, if you prefer every call to get answered immediately, set up your ACD to find the first available agent.

Why Sales Dialers Are Important for Sales Teams

Because you make more sales, right? While technically not wrong, there are many micro-benefits to sales dialers that lead to a more efficient and high-performing sales team.

Increase agent productivity

By automating dialing, agents can focus on building relationships. There’s less time spent dialing, misdialing, and reporting on the outcome of each connection attempt. Instead, agents spend a small amount of time prepping for a call and dedicate the rest of their time to sales activity.

Improve call volume

Compared to manual dialing, sales dialers enable sales teams to make more calls in less time. It’s no secret that machines can dial faster than humans and are less prone to making mistakes.

Even when using click to call functionality, call center agents are no match for the speed and accuracy of dialer software.


Enhance lead management

By tracking call outcomes, sales teams can prioritize leads effectively. If numbers don’t get answered, it’s time to stop calling them. It doesn’t make sense to lose agent time to leads who won’t answer a call from your caller ID.

At the other end of the scale, you want to hyperfocus on those who do answer, engage, or call back. Use the data at your disposal to create a healthy lead management system.

Provide data insights

Dialers generate valuable data for team performance analysis and optimization that go beyond lead management.

Consider training new staff on call scripts, measures for adhering to compliance, and continuous process improvement. Armed with data and information presented in graph and table format, you can build repeatable sales campaigns.

Data in graph and table formats

6 Tips for High Connect Rates

So, you’ve identified which type of dialer you need, and you’ve set realistic expectations on how it will help you. Your next step is to optimize your dialing plan from day one. Here are six tips for ensuring the highest connection rates possible.

1. Clean and accurate contact lists

The quality of your data will reflect the quality of your outcomes. If you have unanswered numbers rotting away in your contact list, remove them after X number of failed attempts.

Instead, focus on new numbers and qualified callbacks and follow-ups. The better you prepare your sales teams, the better they’ll perform.

2. Optimal dialing times

Choose times when prospects are most likely to answer. This may mean adjusting shift patterns to match the businesses you’re calling.

For example, if you’re dialing other sales providers, you might stop making calls at  9 a.m. on Mondays, as that’s when the majority of weekly sales meetings happen.

Likewise, if you’re selling to consumers rather than businesses, consider switching to calling after 5 p.m. when the majority of people are back from work.

Also, think about offering a local presence. If you have the option to present a regional area code, your connection rates will skyrocket.

3. Multiple dial attempts

You don’t have to call one number at a time. Instead, you can increase your chances of connecting by making multiple attempts. The chances of every number connecting simultaneously are so minimal that it’s worth trialing to see if it works for you.

The worst-case scenario isn’t that bad either. If two calls connect at the same time, your ACD system will find the next available agent and a second sales rep has a call.

4. Call scripting

Outside of clean data and efficient technology, it pays to empower agents with well-structured scripts to improve efficiency. If everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet, you’re closer to having a well-oiled machine that delivers leads more often than not.

5. Agent training

Cold calling and appointment settings aren’t simply reading from a script. You can also equip agents with the skills to handle objections and close deals effectively.

Any experienced telemarketer will tell you the main place they get stuck on calls is when customers take things off script. Preparing them for gotchas means conversations continue to flow. Scripts can also be tweaked over time as you get feedback.

6. Call analytics

Use data to identify peak calling times and optimize campaigns. Your contact center software may come with built-in reports, or you might opt for a third-party add-in.

Nextiva voice analytics

Whatever your setup, make use of this valuable data. When something becomes the norm on your graphs and charts, review the data to see what action you can take to streamline your workflows.

Dos and Don’ts of Sales Dialing



Dial Confidently With Nextiva

Knowing which sales dialer suits your business best and optimizing how you use it sets you in good stead to start your new sales activity. Making tweaks on the fly, backed by data and analytics, means you’re always optimizing your sales process and best empowering your staff.

To close the loop on your sales prep, you need a market-leading contact center platform at the heart of what you do.

Nextiva Contact Center includes a variety of sales dialer modules and supports your entire business’s inbound needs. You get a single solution that keeps all staff connected while serving new and existing customers.

Nextiva Contact Center is:

Need a sales dialer that factors in your entire business? Get started with Nextiva Contact Center.

The top AI-powered contact center.

All conversations in one platform. Empowering agents. Satisfying customers.

Dominic Kent


Dominic Kent

Dominic Kent is a content marketer specializing in unified communications and contact centers. After 10 years of managing installations, he founded UC Marketing to bridge the gap between service providers and customers. He spends half of his time building content marketing programs and the rest writing on the beach with his dogs.

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