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Customer Experience June 26, 2024

Digital Customer Journey: A Complete Guide for 2024

Optimizing your digital customer journey can improve satisfaction and loyalty. Learn how to map customer touchpoints and personalize experiences.
Ken McMahon

Ken McMahon


Understanding what customers think, feel, and do online can help you meet and exceed customer expectations. Because customers have infinite options at their fingertips, delivering personalized, high-quality digital experiences tailored to their needs and interests is crucial. Poor online experiences will result in customers abandoning a purchase — or, even worse, your brand. 

It’s essential to keep your customers engaged with a seamless, easy path to purchase across all devices. Digital customer journey mapping helps businesses identify touchpoints, address pain points, and optimize the journey for better experiences and increased brand loyalty.

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What Is a Digital Customer Journey?

A digital customer journey consists of all customers’ online interactions with a brand, from initial awareness to post-purchase. The key stages include:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration
  • Decision
  • Retention
  • Advocacy

And they exist across various digital touchpoints like websites, social media, and emails. 

Mapping out the digital customer journey 

Mapping out the customer digital journey involves anticipating customer paths and supporting their goals through the sales funnel stages of awareness, interest, decision, and action. By adopting the customer’s perspective, businesses can identify and customize touchpoints, such as social media, reviews, purchase processes, and loyalty programs. 

Creating detailed customer personas and using journey mapping software helps visualize the journey, identify struggles, and set objectives. Finally, evaluating resources and simulating the customer journey ensures you optimize touchpoints for a great customer experience (CX)

Why Optimize Your Digital Customer Journey?

Consumers no longer compare their experiences with competitors. They compare companies to the best experiences they’ve ever had. And, more and more, there is a gap between what the consumer wants and what they actually experience:

Simple graph showing customer expectations vs actual customer experience

So optimizing a digital marketing customer journey is essential for companies ranging from small businesses to corporate giants to create an effortless user experience. This can result in various benefits for customers and businesses alike.

Here are some of the key benefits:

A table showing the types of data that can be collected with digital customer journey mapping

Related: 4 Proven Strategies for Optimizing Your Customer Journey

The 5 Stages of the Digital Customer Journey

The digital customer journey maps a customer’s online interactions with your brand, from initial awareness to — hopefully — becoming a loyal advocate. Here’s a breakdown of the five key stages.

1. Awareness

This stage of the customer digital journey is where the customer first becomes aware of your brand and recognizes a need or problem you can solve. They might be browsing online, using a search engine, or consuming social media content. This is where you can make a strong first impression and raise brand awareness.

🧐 Examples of touchpoints in the awareness stage:
Search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and display advertising.

2. Consideration

Now the customer has identified their problem and is actively researching potential solutions. They’ll compare your brand to competitors, read reviews, and evaluate your offerings. This stage allows you to educate and convince the customer that your product or service is the best choice.

🤔 Examples of touchpoints in the consideration stage:
Informative blog posts, product comparison guides, and customer testimonials.

3. Decision

The customer is ready to buy and is weighing their final options. They might be visiting your website, comparing prices, or contacting customer support with questions. This stage of the digital marketing customer journey allows you to make the purchase process smooth and transparent, addressing any last-minute doubts.

🤑 Examples of touchpoints in the decision stage:
Clear product descriptions, easy-to-use checkout process, live chat support, and free trials.

4. Retention

The customer has purchased your product or service. Now, you need to focus on keeping them satisfied and preventing churn. It’s important to continue delivering positive customer experiences after the purchase and nurture the relationship, encouraging repeat purchases and boosting customer retention.

🤩 Examples of touchpoints in the retention stage:
Personalized email marketing, customer loyalty programs, collecting and implementing customer feedback, and post-purchase support.

5. Advocacy

In this stage, the customer becomes a loyal brand advocate, recommending your product or service to others. This stage allows you to build stronger relationships, cultivate brand trust, and turn happy customers into brand ambassadors who spread positive word-of-mouth.

🥳 Examples of touchpoints in the advocacy stage:
Referral programs, social media engagement programs, and exclusive content for loyal customers.

How to Learn From the Digital Customer Journey 

The digital customer journey offers a wealth of information about how customers interact with your brand online. By analyzing this journey, you can gain valuable customer insights to improve customer experience, increase sales, and build brand loyalty. 

A flow chart showing the steps of creating a digital customer journey map.

Here’s how to unlock the power of your customer journey.

1. Gather data to understand your customers

Use different types of analytics tools to help you learn more about your customer’s behaviors and preferences:

  • Website analytics tools can help you track user behavior on your website, such as page visits, time spent on each page, and click-through rates. 
  • Call center analytics software can provide actionable insights about customer service and agent performance in real time.
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Supplement this with customer surveys — via email, live chat, or on-site pop-ups — and social media listening tools to gather data on customer sentiment, preferences, and pain points. Pay close attention to keywords and phrases customers use to describe your brand and identify common themes or frustrations.

2. Create a customer journey map

Visualize your customer journey by mapping out the touchpoints (website, social media platforms, email marketing, etc.) customers interact with at each stage. Consider creating different customer journey maps for distinct customer personas, as their journeys might differ slightly.


Include the emotions and motivations customers might have at each touchpoint. This map will reveal strengths and weaknesses in your customer experience, allowing you to pinpoint areas for improvement.

3. Identify customer pain points and opportunities for improvement

Analyze your customer journey map and data to identify areas where customers struggle. Some examples of this include:

  • Confusing website navigation
  • Lack of information on a product page
  • Slow checkout process
  • Unresponsive customer service team

Look for drop-offs in engagement at specific touchpoints, which might indicate areas where customers are losing interest or encountering friction.

4. Prioritize your website’s user experience

Focus on optimizing your website, the primary touchpoint for most customers. Some ways to enhance your website experience include:

  • Creating a clear navigation structure
  • Ensuring mobile responsiveness
  • Using heatmaps and session recordings to identify confusing or frustrating places on your website
  • Conducting A/B testing to optimize your website

By optimizing these elements, your website will be easier to use, driving traffic toward conversion.

5. Personalize the customer experience

Personalization is key to a positive customer experience and can significantly boost engagement and conversions. Use the data you gather to personalize website content, product recommendations, and marketing messages to resonate with individual customer needs and preferences. 

For example, returning customers might receive different product recommendations than first-time visitors. Leverage customer segmentation to tailor your communication strategies based on demographics, purchase history, and online behavior.

6. Continuously improve and refine the map

The customer journey isn’t something you set and forget. It’s a fluid concept that you must adapt to changing business goals, customer needs, and new technologies. Some best practices include:

  • Continuously gathering data to find opportunities to improve
  • Updating your customer journey map regularly to reflect these changes
  • Testing improvements to your website, marketing campaigns, and customer service interactions to see what resonates best with your audience. 

You can optimize the customer experience for long-term success by continuously learning and adapting.

Digital Customer Journey Examples

Understanding how customers interact with your brand online across different industries can provide valuable insights for optimizing your customer journey. Here are some examples.

Retail and e-commerce 

A great digital customer journey boosts sales by reducing friction and providing personalized recommendations, leading to higher conversions. It also enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty through positive experiences and proactive service, improving brand reputation as happy customers become advocates. 

Table showing Digital Customer Journey for Retail and E-commerce

This digital customer experience journey for retail and e-commerce collects valuable data that you can use to refine and further personalize each touchpoint. 

The data collected includes: 

  • Product page views
  • Abandoned carts
  • Website traffic
  • Email open rates
  • Click-through rates

Additionally, businesses can add elements to enhance the user experience, such as:

  • High-quality product images
  • Detailed descriptions
  • Clear size charts
  • Secure payment options
  • Hassle-free returns


A well-crafted digital customer journey in healthcare improves patient experience by enhancing convenience, accessibility, and communication, leading to better outcomes and reduced stress. It also streamlines operations, cuts costs, and strengthens patient-provider relationships through personalized care and proactive engagement. Additionally, meeting patient expectations with a seamless digital experience boosts brand reputation and attracts new patients.

Table showing Digital Customer Journey for Healthcare

Businesses can use patient data collected throughout the healthcare digital customer journey to streamline the process and create an easy customer experience. 

Patient data collected includes: 

  • Personal information via online forms
  • Appointment booking behavior
  • Patient feedback surveys
  • Website traffic sources used to find your business

Elements that businesses can add to enhance the user experience can include:

  • An easy-to-navigate website 
  • Clear information about services and insurance
  • Secure online appointment booking
  • Online patient portal access for self-service
  • Convenient communication channels for questions or concerns


For media companies, creating a great digital customer journey is crucial due to the abundance of content choices available to audiences. It increases engagement and loyalty through frictionless content discovery, personalized recommendations, and a seamless subscription process while also boosting revenue through increased ad revenue and subscription growth. 

Table showing Digital Customer Journey for Media

In the media industry, it’s important to collect data throughout the customer digital journey to keep the user experience engaging. 

The data collected includes: 

  • Content consumption behavior (such as articles read and videos watched)
  • Time spent on the platform
  • Source of website traffic
  • Subscriber demographics
  • User preferences

Adding elements like these can increase engagement and offer helpful resources along the way:

  • High-quality, engaging content across various formats
  • Clear subscription options and benefits
  • Personalized content recommendations
  • Intuitive user interface

Create the Ultimate Digital Customer Journey

You can create the greatest digital customer journey the world has ever seen. Okay, that may be hyperbole — but we know (and our customers know) what our solution is capable of.

Our customer experience management platform integrates all customer interactions across channels, providing agents with context and history to reduce friction. Proactive workflows and AI-powered tools automate the next steps, ensuring real-time assistance and intuitive guidance and boosting customer satisfaction.

By anticipating customer needs and streamlining engagement, you can continuously improve customer experience, increase loyalty, and reduce churn. We’ll guide you through transforming your
customer experience one step, or touchpoint, at a time.

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