Call forwarding policies
Call forwarding is great on its own. With advanced call forwarding, companies can establish robust forwarding policies.
Call Forward Always
Always forward calls to a specific user, no matter what.
Call Forward Selective
Single out origin numbers, or create a custom schedule.
Call Forward When Busy
Forwards inbound calls on phones currently on the phone or the phone is set to the do-not-disturb mode.
Call Forward When Unanswered
Transfers calls have no answer within a specific number of rings.
Call Forward When Unreachable
Forward calls when a phone number or extension is unavailable.
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Call forwarding FAQs
With Nextiva, you can forward calls to up to ten numbers, or you can sequentially ring up to five numbers. Through other advanced VoIP features, you can ring multiple people and devices separately instead of call forwarding.
You can use call forwarding for any phone number your business uses.
Some phone services limit the types of numbers their users can select. Call forwarding from Nextiva lets you forward calls anywhere.
You can forward calls to a local, long-distance, toll-free, mobile, even an international number. It’s not limited to your business phone system. Calls can be forwarded to your iPhone or Android smartphone when out of the office.
Nextiva users can easily enable call forwarding from the online dashboard known as the Voice Portal. Visit the Features section and scroll down to Forwarding.
To configure these settings, you must first select a user, call group, or auto attendant. call forwarding lets you answer customers calls when on the go, or when you’re working from home.
VoIP call forwarding works using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). A VoIP phone system handles phone calls over the internet and can direct them to any number that is desired. Users can forward phone calls all within the VoIP phone system.
The criteria for forwarding depends on the time of day, caller ID, caller information (like internal calls) make sense for your company.
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Chris Brencans, CMOOn The Map Marketing
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