Multi-tiered agent pools and “Ring All” feature

684k fans attend Florida panthers games each season

Improve CX with smart call routing features.

Grow fast with smart routing.

Streamlined operations

Efficiency boost

Clear communication

Streamlined operations

Streamlining operations in contact centers is a key step toward achieving a unified customer experience. Nextiva’s features are designed to simplify complex processes, making it easier for agents to manage calls and for managers to oversee operations. This approach not only improves efficiency but also enhances the quality of service provided to customers.


With Nextiva, contact centers can integrate various communication channels into a single platform. This integration allows agents to access customer information quickly, reducing the time spent searching for data across different systems. It leads to faster resolution of customer issues, contributing to a more streamlined operation and a better overall customer experience.


Additionally, Nextiva’s analytics tools offer insights into call patterns and customer behavior. Managers can use this information to make informed decisions about staffing and training, further streamlining operations. By understanding customer needs better, contact centers can tailor their services more effectively, ensuring a unified customer experience that stands out.

Efficiency boost

Nextiva’s contact center software now includes a feature that significantly boosts efficiency for business and contact center operators. This new addition allows for streamlined communication processes, making it easier to manage calls and customer interactions. By reducing the time spent on each call, operators can handle more calls in less time, improving overall productivity.


The efficiency boost comes from advanced routing algorithms that quickly direct calls to the appropriate agent, minimizing wait times for customers. This feature not only enhances the customer experience by reducing frustration but also allows agents to focus on solving problems rather than navigating through calls. It’s a win-win for both customers and businesses, as it leads to higher satisfaction rates and better service quality.


Additionally, this feature includes analytics tools that provide insights into call patterns and agent performance. This data is crucial for making informed decisions about staffing and training, ensuring that the contact center operates at peak efficiency. With these tools, managers can identify areas for improvement and implement changes that further enhance productivity and service quality.

Clear communication

Clear communication is key in any business, especially for contact center providers. Nextiva’s VoIP services offer advanced features that support this goal. With tools like voice-to-email transcription, teams can quickly convert voicemail messages into text. This allows for faster response times and ensures no message gets overlooked.


Another feature that enhances clear communication is Nextiva’s call routing capabilities. This ensures that calls are directed to the right person or department the first time. It reduces customer frustration and improves overall satisfaction. By streamlining the process, contact center providers can handle inquiries more efficiently.


Lastly, Nextiva’s analytics tools give businesses insight into call patterns and customer preferences. This data helps in making informed decisions about staffing and training. It also identifies areas where communication can be improved. For contact center providers, understanding these metrics is crucial for optimizing performance and delivering better service.