Recording meetings in NextivaONE

Instantly record meetings so you can reference later or send to participants who were unable to attend. Only hosts and co-hosts can record meetings. For information on meetings and how to assign a co-host, click here

While on an active call, click the ellipses and select Record > Record.

To stop the recording, click the ellipses and select Stop recording or click the Stop button at the top.


Automatic Recording

When scheduling a meeting, you can also set it to automatically record the meeting. Create a new meeting and click More options to expand, select Record the meeting automatically. Now when the meeting starts, recording will start too.


Accessing Meeting Recordings

Once the meeting is done or the time is up, you and all participants will receive a notification in NextivaONE and via email with the link to the recording. 

You can also view all recordings from the past 30 days under Files > Recordings

NOTE: Recordings are stored for 30 days and are automatically deleted after. 

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