Downloading NextivaONE MSI file

Download the NextivaONE Microsoft Installer (MSI) file to install the Nextiva desktop app for multiple users or Windows machines. This is best for companies who need to deploy the Nextiva Desktop App to many machines where multiple people use the same device. MSI files also do not support the auto-update feature giving IT complete control over the app version that their employees will use.  

If you don’t need to mass deploy the Nextiva desktop app, you can always use the web browser version or download the NextivaONE app. For more information, click here.  

Stay up-to-date with all product updates, including feature enhancements, and bug fixes by clicking here

What is the difference between an EXE and an MSI?

For Windows users, we offer two file types for desktop app installation.

  • EXE files, these are executables and one of the most recognizable file types of the Windows operating system or computing in general. These will run a program directly from that file.

  • MSI files, these are specifically installation files and these file types are designed to install, update or uninstall a program.

For enterprises or large organizations that have system administrators and centralized distribution of software, the MSI file is the most appropriate path.


  • MSI is always an installer package whereas an EXE can be a program, not just an installer.
  • MSI has standards for installation and must meet certain requirements that do not apply to EXE file types
  • MSI has switches that are universally known
  • MSI has logging options
  • MSI has pre-defined uninstallation parameters where EXE does not
  • MSI can be deployed via network and silent installation


Installation Script

To remove any previous versions of the desktop application and install the latest version of the desktop application use the script below. This option is for MSI installs only, EXE installs will need to be removed manually.

if (Get-Command winget -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
$results = winget list --scope "machine" Nextiva
if ($results.Length -cge 5) {
foreach ($result in $results[4..($results.Length)]) {
$splitted = $result -split "Nextiva.NextivaONE"
winget uninstall --name $splitted[0].Trim() --scope "machine" -h
} else {
# remove msi
$msiApp = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name = 'Nextiva'"
if($null -ne $msiApp) {
msiexec.exe /x $msiApp.IdentifyingNumber /q /norestart

# remove msi
$msiApp = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product -Filter "Name = 'NextivaONE'"
if($null -ne $msiApp) {
msiexec.exe /x $msiApp.IdentifyingNumber /q /norestart

$useBitTransfer = $null -ne (Get-Module -Name BitsTransfer -ListAvailable) -and ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5)
$URL = ""
$File = $env:TEMP + "Nextiva-win.msi"
if ($useBitTransfer) {
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $URL -Destination $File
else {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -OutFile $File
msiexec.exe /i $File -quiet
Write-Output "NextivaONE installed successfully"


Commands for MSI install

Below is a list of commands that may be used to deploy the MSI file installation. Be sure to have the proper Powershell and system permissions before proceeding.

To get a list of help items:

  • .\Nextiva-win.msi /help

Install silently so there is no user interaction:

  • .\Nextiva-win.msi /quiet

Install passive, this is unattended mode where the installation shows only a progress bar and not restart:

  • .\Nextiva-win.msi /passive
  • .\Nextiva-win.msi /norestart

Install and restart options:

NOTE: NextivaONE does not require a restart on install, but you may wish to restart if installing other applications or upgrades and that is supported via prompt and force.

  • .\Nextiva-win.msi /promptrestart
  • .\Nextiva-win.msi /forcerestart

Install from network drive:

  • cd \\[folder_name]\
  • start-process nextiva-win.msi


  • msiexec.exe /x ‘C:\[path to msi]\Nextiva-win.msi’ /qn (Nextiva-win.msi)
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