Nextiva Voice Analytics: Tracking the Locations of Customers

How can companies determine where customers are located? Knowing their locations can help companies advertise strategically.

For example, a company could launch an aggressive marketing campaign in an area with fewer customers in order to increase business. In areas with a higher number of customers, companies can cross-sell or encourage customers to upgrade.

Use Nextiva Voice Analytics to track the locations of customers.

Visit, and click Client Login to log in.

If logging in from Nextiva Voice (purchased before Dec 2020), select VoiceAnalytics.

If logging in from NextOS (purchased after Dec 2020), select Communication > Phone System > Voice Overview > Go to Analytics.

On the Nextiva Voice Analytics Home Page, click the Report tile or select Reporting in the top menu bar.

On the Custom tab, select a report type from Area Codes. For the Format, select Compare. Determine how to break down the data and choose how to display the data.

NOTE: The Daily Summary breakdown only displays in the Table view.

Scroll down to view the sample report and apply filters.

NOTE: The chart shows sample data. Run the report to view the actual data.

  1. Enter a title for the report.
  2. Select the desired time range.
  3. Choose the call types to display in the report. Add call types from the Calls bank in the left panel or remove them by clicking the X corresponding to the call types to be removed.
  4. Select the area codes to display in the report. Add area codes from the Area Codes bank in the left panel or remove them by clicking the X corresponding to the area code to be removed. 
  5. Click Save to save and run the custom report. Click Run to run the custom report without saving it.

After running the report, users can further refine the data, view details, and download the chart.

  1. Change the time range.
  2. Click to remove or restore call types.
  3. Click to turn real-time data ON (blue) or OFF (gray).
  4. Hover over the chart elements to view more details.
  5. Download the chart as a .pdf file.

With Nextiva Voice Analytics, businesses can identify the locations of customers and strategically target areas to boost their business.

Need additional help? Click here.

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