Troubleshooting call forward always

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Choose the image that looks most like your screen once logged in.

Screen Voice Admin
Screen Home Page

If inbound calls do not reach your selected Call Forward Always number, there are a few things you will want to check in the Voice Portal. 

  • Is Do Not Disturb is Enabled? This will prevent all calls from forwarding until DND feature is turned Off.
  • If there is no power or Internet connection to your Nextiva phone, the star (*) codes to activate and deactivate Call Forwarding will not work.
  • Phones that were manually provisioned may not be able to access the star (*) codes and will have to be forwarded from the Voice Portal.
  • Lastly, double-check that the destination phone number is valid and that Call Forwarding Always is toggled on.

To Troubleshoot Call Forwarding Always from the Nextiva Voice Admin Portal:


    1. From the Nextiva Voice Admin Dashboard, hover your cursor over Users and select Manage Users.

    1. Hover your cursor over the name of the user, and select the pencil icon to the right.
    2. To check Do Not Disturb status, select Routing and confirm Do Not Disturb is turned OFF.

    1. Select the Forwarding section and make sure the Call Forward Always is turned ON.

  1. If it is turned on, select Call Forward Always and confirm the forwarding number is correct.
  2. Select Save to apply all changes. 
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