How to change your DHCP range with Nextiva Clarity:
In some network configurations multiple subnets may be required, or the default number of IP addresses can be insufficient to cover all devices that need to connect. To change the DHCP range in Nextiva Clarity for an existing server, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to, log in using your credentials, and select the name of the site you are troubleshooting.
- In the navigation menu, select DHCP Server.
- At the top of the page, select the
button next to the Interface you wish to change (example, LAN).
- Enter the required information as indicated below:
- DHCP Server Enabled: Nextiva Clarity sends devices IP Addresses when they request to connect. If you disable this feature, all devices will need to manually use static IP Address information.
- MAC Filtering Enabled: Nextiva Clarity prevents devices from connecting to the network if the MAC address of the device is not recognized by Nextiva Clarity.
- Start Address: The lower bound of IP Addresses that Nextiva Clarity will send when a device requests to connect to the network.
- End Address: The upper bound of IP Addresses that Nextiva Clarity will send when a device requests to connect to the network. In most circumstances, the maximum IP address that will be distributed to a device will end in .254.
- Default Lease Time: The duration, in seconds, that a device will maintain an IP Address before confirming with Nextiva Clarity. The default time is 86,400 seconds (1 day).
- Maximum Lease Time: The duration, in seconds, that a device will maintain an IP Address if it specifically requested a longer lease. The default time of 604,800 seconds (1 week).
- Click the Save button.
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