Managing call flows

Set up a menu for callers and customize the call flow to fit your business needs best. Route calls based on set days and times, specify where they get routed, and what happens if the call goes unanswered.

For instructions on how to edit a call flow, click here

Creating a new call flow

From the Admin home page, select Communications > Phone Systems > Call flows > Create New Flow > Start from scratch. Edit the name on the top right corner.

  1. Click the Phone > select a phone number > Save & Continue. This number is typically the main phone number or a direct number for a specific department. For instructions on how to add an alternate number, click here
  2. Click Add action, and choose one of the below options.
    • Business hours: Set up a schedule to route calls based on the day and time. For example, add business hours and holidays, so all incoming calls during those times forward to voicemail or an emergency line.  
    • Phone menu: Upload or record a custom greeting with options for callers to hear, such as press 1 for sales, 2 for support, 3 for billing, etc. You can also enable dial by extension from here, including the dial by extension scope (the entire company or just the assigned location). 
    • Users and teams: Route calls directly to the appropriate user or team. Choose to follow the the team or user settings or the call flow settings. Selecting team or user settings ensures that any forwarding, voicemail, or other settings already selected for that user or team will be followed.
    • Voicemail: Route calls to voicemail when needed, such as during after-hours or when the call is unanswered.
    • Transfer out: Transfer calls to any external phone number, such as an emergency line during after hours.
    • Call flow: Transfer calls to another call flow. Only live call flows will show in the drop-down.
    • Announcement: Upload or record an announcement for callers to hear, such as monthly specials or business location details.
    • Dial by extension: Allow callers to contact a user or team directly by entering their extension. You can also choose the dial by extension scope (the entire company or just the assigned location). 
    • Dial by name: Allow callers to contact a user directly by entering the first few letters of their first name. You can also choose the dial by name scope (the entire company or just the assigned location). 
    • Previous menu: Transfer calls back to the previous phone menu.
  1. Repeat this process until all call flow branches reach an ending point such as a voicemail box or transfer out. Click Go Live to activate the call flow. 

Editing a call flow

You can make live edits to active call flows without ever needing to deactivate it. If using location or user voice settings, you can edit the voice settings directly under the User or Team voice settings. 

Adding an alternate number to a call flow

Click the phone number node and click Add phone numbers under the primary inbound phone number. Then select the alternate phone number(s) and click Save & Continue

Deactivating a call flow

Select the call flow > Actions > Deactivate. Click Go Live to make the call flow active again when ready. 

Need additional help? Click here.

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