NextOS Analytics metrics glossary for CRM cases

⚠️ Nextiva CRM has been retired from the Nextiva product offerings and is currently not available to new users. 

The table below lists the available metrics for the Case entity in Nextiva CRM.


  • The same metric can be used for multiple groups, depending on which calculations can be applied to the metric (e.g. Total Resolution Time).
  • Count: The count of all values of the respective entity that meet any filter criteria over the selected breakdown period (e.g. Total Open cases for the selected period).
  • Sum: The sum of all metric values (e.g. Total resolution time of all cases for the selected period).
  • Max: The highest value of the selected breakdown (Aggregate) and/or of the selected dimension values (Compare) (e.g. Longest Resolution time for user’s cases for the selected period).
  • Min: The lowest value of the selected breakdown and/or of the selected dimension values (e.g. Shortest Resolution time for a user’s cases for the selected period).
  • Avg: The average metric value of the selected breakdown and/or of the selected dimension value (e.g. Average Resolution time for a user’s cases for the selected period).






All cases in all status types at the end of the selected period


Cases Open

All cases in status type = Open at the end of the breakdown period


Cases in Progress

All cases with status type = In Progress at the end of the breakdown period



Cases Awaiting Response

All cases with status type = Awaiting response at the end of the breakdown period


Cases Resolved

All cases in status resolved at the end of the breakdown period


Cases moved to Resolved

Cases that were moved to status type = Resolved in the selected period


Cases moved to Closed

All cases moved to status Closed in time range selected


Chat cases

Cases created in the channel = Chat during the selected period. This specifies the channel through which the customer contacted the company.


Internal cases

Cases created in the channel = Internal during the selected period. This specifies the channel through which the customer contacted the company.


Email cases

Cases created in the channel = Email during the selected period. This specifies the channel through which the customer contacted the company.


Phone cases

Cases created in the channel = Phone during the selected period. This specifies the channel through which the customer contacted the company.


New cases

Cases created in the selected period.


Untouched cases

Cases in status types = Open, In progress, or Awaiting response (i.e. no resolved or closed cases) with no activity in the selected period


Cases moved to Reopened

Cases that were moved from status type = Resolved to any other status except for Closed during the selected period


Resolution time

Time from case creation to case resolved or closed (if resolved was skipped)

Sum, Max, Min, Avg

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